Explain Why (Part 1)

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Sal's PoV
I was at the bar with Q. We chatted and laughed at each other's jokes. We hold each other's hands. We decided to dance with each other and other friends. We started to dance and Q kissed me on the cheek. Q went to get more beer. One of my friends started dancing with me and thought it was funny. He was clearly drunk. He cupped my cheeks and kissed me unexpectedly. Q looked over and dropped the beer he was holding. I pushed my friend away and I gave him a stern look. He rushed out of the bar as quick as he could. As soon as I tried to catch up with him, he left in his Red Jeep. Joe who was there drove me to Brian's house. He waited in his car for me. I knocked on his door and he opened it. As soon as he saw me, he closed the door half away and I entered the house.
"Sal care to explain why that happened at the bar? Decided to cheat on me did you?" He said angrily.
"Brian he was drunk! And of course I would NEVER cheat on you!" I said.
"Is he an upgrade? Am I too ugly for you now?" With his voice kinda of shaky.
"Brian stop saying that to yourself! Your beautiful!" I said.
"If I'm beautiful then why did you do that at the bar?" His voice boomed.
"Brian I didn't do that!" I said.
He came close to my face and I felt his breath on my face. His breath was hot.
"Leave my house now Vulcano." He whispered.
I left his house without looking back and I had heard a slam on the door.
I got in Joe's car with tears in my eyes. He knew what had happened without me telling him. He drove me to my house and stayed there to make me feel comfortable. He watched funny movies to cheer me up.
Q's PoV
I soon as Sal left, I rushed to the bathroom and locked the door. I started to cry. I punched the door but thankfully no hole went through it.
"Why is it always me?!" I cried.
I started to slid down on the floor and started to cry. My back was against the door. I left the bathroom and went to my fridge. I got beer and I got a bit tipsy. Everything got blurry. I knew in the morning I would have a hangover. All the bottles were on the floor and I walked to my bedroom without tripping every 2 seconds. I heard a knock at the door. I tried opening the door.
"Brian? What's all the bottles on the floor for?" I heard.
I recognized the voice. It was Murr's voice.
"Brian. I know what happened. But you better stop doing this to yourself!" He said.
He stayed with me the whole night to look after me.

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