The Club

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Third Person POV
Brian wasn't your typical man. He was for shy and liked to keep things to himself. Brian was usually the type of person who would always stay quiet. He would only talk to his friend, James.

Brian's PoV
"Hey Brian?!" James yelled from downstairs waiting for me. "Are you almost done?!" He yelled once again. I almost fell trying to put my jeans on. I looked at myself in the mirror.

I had a black shirt, blue jeans and a camo jacket that I loved. I observed myself until I finally approved. I put my shoes on, grabbed my phone and went downstairs.

"I'm coming fuck!" I walked down the stairs until I saw my ferrety looking friend. "Ready to go to the club?" James asked me. I nodded my head and walked out the door. We got in James's car and drove to the club.

We walked inside and the place boomed with music. We went to the bar they had. "Hello ma'am. Can I take a beer and for my friend also?" James said. He handed me the beer and tipped the bartender.

I looked around to see a lot of people. But this person caught my attention. He was the only one I saw at the moment.

"Earth to Brian!" James said waving his hand in front of me. I shook my head and looked at him in confusion. He slyly smirked and I just stared. "Seems like you're in love Quinn." He said.

I shook my head and lying because it would be embarrassing. "N-no I'm not!" I stuttered. He looked at me once more that just shrugged his shoulders.

I was bored and decided to go on the dance floor with James. I saw the handsome guy come my way, and I guess he bought his friend with him.

"Dude! I have a wife!" I heard his friend whisper. "I know, I know." He said.

"H-hey." I said. I had trouble speaking to him because he was very charming. "Hey nice to meet you." The man said. I smiled and shook his hand. "My name's Brian. About yours?" I asked him.

"Mines Sal." He smiled. Sal's friend and James just chatted.
We talked about what video games we play, what movies we like, blah blah blah, etc.

"Do you dance?" Sal asked me. I sheepishly shook my head. "I can teach you if you want." He said.

I nodded my head and he taught me. Step by step. I chuckled and smiled shyly.

"It was nice to meet you Brian. Can I get your number if you wanna go out some out sometime?" He asked me. I smiled at him and get him my number. Before he left, he kissed me on the cheek.

I felt my heart flutter and my heart rate increased. I smiled and blush and waved goodbye.

I look back at James. He never stop giving that stupid smirk of his.

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