Paris, France

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Q's PoV
Ahh Paris, France. What a beautiful sight. The Eiffel Tower is appealing at night. Sal and me walked Paris admiring the beauties of this place that we don't see that often.

Joe was with Murr and Bessy walking into different shops looking at things. I intertwined my fingers with Sal's. He smiled and pointed at things that looked interesting.
"Babe wanna go the beach later on?" I asked.
"Sure! I bet the beaches are nice here." He said.

We met up with Joe, Bessy, and Murr and went on the boat. This sight was a beauty. I looked at Sal and he looked me. I leant over and brushed my lips on his.

I put on my sunglasses because man was it sunny out there! Sal took my hat and put it on him not caring if it messed up his hair. He give me a cheesy smile. I chuckled at the man.
"You know you like adorable in that." I stated.

He rested his head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around Sal. Murr took multiple pictures of the sight.
"So here you see the Eiffel Tower." The tour guide said over the speaker of the boat.

We wowed and gasped at the tower admiring the look of it.
"You can also eat dinner in the Eiffel Tower." The guide said.
I looked at Sal who still had my hat. I smiled at him. I wouldn't be the same person I am today if it weren't for him.

The boat tour was done and we got off of it. We went back to our hotel and changed into beach clothes. We drove to the beach. We put our beach towel and put our cooler and stuff there. I headed to the water.
"Come on Sal! Come in the water!" He yelled.

He came running to me and knocked me over. I fell into the water. He was on top of me. He laughed after seeing me fall over. I fixed my sunglasses on my face. He pressed his lips on mine. I wrapped my arms around his hips. I pulled away and I stared into those rich emerald green eyes.

We went swimming in the water. The water was crystal clear. It was beautiful. I splashed water at him. Then it turned into a water fight. Water droplets ended up on sunglasses. I picked up Sal bridal style and spun around.
"Q stop! I'm getting dizzy!" Sal laughed.
I kissed him and stayed there.

I put him down. We got out of the water and it was cold. I got my towel and dried off. Water droplets fell off of Sal's hair. We got changed in different and went to the hotel.

We got to our hotel.
"Wanna take a shower?" I asked Sal.
He nodded and we took off our clothes. We went in the shower. Sal put shampoo in his hair.
"Um.. can I do it for you?" I asked him.
"Sure." He said.

I started scrubbing his hair.
"Ahh that felt so good." He said.
He washed the shampoo off and he did my hair and I washed it off. I looked at him and kissed him. We finished taking a shower and we got dressed in suits.

We left to the Eiffel Tower. We got in the restaurant. I sat down across from Sal.
"Wow this is a nice restaurant!" Sal said.
We ate our dinner and paid the check.
This vacation was awesome!

VulQuinn One Shots ©Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin