Explain Why (Part 2)

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Guess who likes to eat while making Vulquinn chapters? You guessed it! Me.
I woke up with my head pounding. It hurt like a bitch. I walked into my living room and saw Murr sleeping on the sofa. I shrugged my shoulders and headed to take a shower. I got my clothes and went to get breakfast.
"Hey Murray? Wake up." I whispered.
He woke up and he squinted his eyes.
"Alright Brian." He said groggily.
"Come on I'm making breakfast." I said. 
He came to the table and served eggs and pancakes.
"So Murr what happened?" I asked.
He explained what happened last night. While he was explaining, I looked behind me and saw tons of alcohol bottles. I shook my head in disapproval. I was stupid.
"Come on you have to go apologize to Sal! He was crying a lot last night." Murr said.
I quickly got in my car with Murr and drove to Sal's. I knocked on the door multiple times to see Joe.
"Brian what are you doing he-"
"No time for questions Joe! Is Sal here?!" I asked while panting.
"Yeah he's here." Joe said in his Staten Island voice.
Sal's PoV
I heard people talking downstairs. I heard a deep voice. I walked downstairs to see the guys.
"Sal?!" Brian said.
"I'm so sorry baby!" He said with his voice shaking.
He grabbed me into a deep hug. I started crying onto his shoulder. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes and then we pulled apart. The guys smiled and left. I stayed with Brian. He kissed me deeply and put his hands on my waist while mine were around his neck. He melded his tongue with mine. We pulled apart and smiled.
Brian forgive me and we were by each other's side no matter what.
Thank you @crue_cat and dm4487 for voting my stories!

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