It's Over..

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Sal's PoV
Something's wrong with Brian. He isn't his normal self anymore. Brian isn't the bubbly and joyful he was before. He's just quiet and reserved to himself.

"Brian. Are you okay?" I would always ask him but he would answer with, "Yeah. I'm alright." I knew something was happening. Brian has been drinking more than he usually does.

"Babe. Stop drinking and enjoy the movie." I told him. But he kept drinking. I rolled my eyes and left him on the couch. I went upstairs and decided to change in to a shirt and boxers.

I went downstairs once again and was greeted by the sight of Brian lying on the couch and bottles of beer on the table. I was upset.

He wouldn't bear to be around me. My proximity would effect him. He would fake a smile and laugh a fake laugh.

It hurt me to see him not happy and more likely depressed.

I dragged the man upstairs and onto the bed. I left him in his boxers only. I put the sheets on him. Light snores came out of Brian's mouth. I kissed his forehead.

"Oh Brian. What would I do without you?" I whispered. I felt hands grab my cheeks. Brian pulled me into kiss. I pulled away and stared into his brown orbs and smiled. He fell asleep once again.

(Next Morning.)
I was at home and Brian was at his house with his cats. I heard my phone beep. I looked at my home screen.

1 text message: Brian.

I opened the text message and I thought it was gonna be a positive text message. Well, I was wrong.

I know I love you and you love me. And I know you would love to spend your future with me. You cherish me and I appreciate that. When I first met you, I knew, we were meant for each other. I would stare into your beautiful, green eyes and thank myself for falling in love and that I am happy that I have someone like you in my life. Your personality and your humor is one of the best things about you. The first time we kissed, I felt a spark. It felt right. The best feeling in the world is kissing someone for the first time when you've really wanted to kiss them for a long time. For all the times you would make me laugh and make me the person I would always be. You would look back in my eyes and smile that charming smile you have. Your laugh is very funny. I was stupid after drinking so much. But I need to confess something.

It's over. I'm not ready to have relationship with you. I'm so sorry Sal. Just still know, I love you. I will always be there for you. I'm sorry Sal.
-Brian Quinn.
P.S: this is a song I've been listening. Here's the song: Ben Haenow- Make It Back To Me.

I was in tears after reading that message. It was over. I began to listen to the song and shed into tears.

For all the times I let you down, and said I never would. I right those wrongs, turn it around and and love you like I should.

Brian wasn't ready for a relationship with me. After all we been through.

I loved Brian and nothing hurts more than being disappointed by the one person who you thought would never hurt you.

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