Your Such A Dork

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Sal's PoV
I was busy reading a book. The TV was on. I really didn't care was going on. My eyes were stuck in the book. I could visualize what was happening the book.
Until I heard, Justin Timberlake?
I went downstairs to see my boyfriend singing to Justin Timberlake's "My Love."
I stood against the doorframe to see him in his boxers and his shirt singing.

I chuckled at the man but still hadn't realized I was there.

He turns around to see me. He stares at me in shock.
He blushes.
"You heard nothing."

We finished singing and went up and kissed him.
"Your such a dork at times Bri." I laughed.
"But I'm your dork! Right? Besides, you act like one!" He said.
"I love you so much." I said.
"I love you too Sally!" He said.
He gives me a lovingly hug.

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