Its Over (Part 4)

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Brian's PoV
I stormed out of the room. I pulled on my shoes and as soon as I was gonna open the door, Sal called after me.

"Brian! Brian!" Sal yelled. He ran to me while he was in boxers. "Let me go Sal." I grunted. "Let me explain Brian." Sal said.

"I don't wanna fucking hear it Sal!" I yelled at him. "Let me explain. I was at the club with Murr and I see this chick okay? And I kissed her and here we are." He told me. I came closer to him.

"Well guess what? I had sex with a girl last night and I didn't even know I did! And guess what? I didn't want to have sex with her! You know why? Because I still love you!" I whisper yelled.

He looked at me and was shocked. "You still l-love me?" He stuttered. I nodded my head. "Then what was the point of our split?" He questioned me.

"I needed time to think. I couldn't bear to be without you." I told him. "Well, you broke up with me Brian. You broke my heart." He choked out. A single teardrop ran down his cheek. I hate him seeing him like this.

You've been trying to hide it, and I've been missing the signs. While you've been crossing your fingers and hoping. I've just been crossing the line.

We both stared at each other, I looked into his grayish green eyes. He ran up to me and pulled me into a hug. He sobbed onto my chest. I held him tightly.

I kissed the top his head. "I'm so sorry Sal." I whispered. I began to shed tears. He looked up at me and kissed me. I've missed this so much. I cupped his cheeks pulling him closer.

I pulled away. We both looked each other. Sal leant in and kissed me on the cheek. I felt my phone vibrate.

I looked at the Caller ID. Oh great. It was Emily.

"Hello?" The obvious annoyance in my voice. "Hey Brian." She seemed nervous. "What do you need Emily?" I asked her. "Please Brian understand what I'm gonna say." My phone fell from my hand.

"I'm pregnant." Emily choked out the words.

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