Star Wars Pt. I

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I was bored and I decided to make this.
Sal- Princess Leia
Q- Han Solo
Joe- Luke Skywalker
Murr- Darth Vader
Gonna continue this!

Joe's PoV
I walked with my Uncle Owen to buy droids. But then my Aunt Beru called me.

"Joe! Joe! Tell your uncle if gets a translator, be sure it speaks Bocce!" She yelled from where she was at.
"Doesn't seem like he has much of a choice! I'll remind him!" I yelled back.

My uncle Owen asked one of the droids if they spoke Bocce.
"Can you speak Bocce?" Uncle Owen asked. "Well, of course I can sir! It's like a second language to me! If-" The droid responded.

"Alright shut up I'll take this one." Uncle Owen said. He picked one of the other ones and it was an R2- unit. The droids followed me until one of them exploded.

"Uncle Owen! This R2 unit has a bad motivator! Look!" I shouted to him. Uncle Owen began to scold the people who sold him the R2 unit. I felt the another droid tap me on the shoulder.

"Excuse me sir but that R2 unit is in prime condition! A real bargain!" He said.

"Uncle Owen! What about that one?" I pointed to the blue and gray R2 unit. The R2 unit began to jump in excitement. It made lots of beeping sounds.

"That blue one. We'll take that one." Uncle Owen said. They came to take the R2 unit that broke. The new R2 unit followed me. I took them to the garage and cleaned them.

"I am C-3PO and this is R2D2." C-3P0 said. I put him in a oil bath and cleaned him. I began to clean R2D2 and C-3PO has finished his bath.

"You've got something jammed in here real good. When you were on the star cruise-" I began to say until R2D2 showed something and I jumped back.

It was a message from somebody. A guy. I was confused.
"Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope." The message said. I looked at the message in shock.

"What is this?" I asked. R2D2 beeped.
"What is what? He asked you a question. What is that?" C-3PO said.

The message replayed over and over again. "Oh he says it's nothing sir. It's just a malfunction." C-3PO said.

"Who is he? He's beautiful." I said. The guy had perfect hair, a beard and a nice charming voice. C-3PO had thought but he didn't know who he was.
I found R2D2 at in Tatooine. And he was with C-3PO. I took C-3PO and R2D2 with me. We had to be careful of the sand people. You may be wondering Sand People? They try to take your stuff.

We boarded my landspeeder and headed to where I had to go. I went to look for this Obi- Wan Kenobi guy. I only knew Ben Kenobi.

We got out off my landspeeder. R2 started making noises. I wondered what was going on with R2. All of a sudden, sand people attacked us.

I fell on the floor and I was injured. I closed my eyes and it went black. I heard footsteps coming, I felt something grab my hand and touch my forehead.

"Hello there." The voice said. R2D2 started making noises. "Come here my little friend. Don't be afraid." The voice responded. R2D2 beeped. "Don't worry he'll be alright."

I opened my eyes and lifted my head from the ground. I began to pull myself up. I began to rub the back of my neck. I felt the man's hand on my shoulder.

I squinted my eyes to examine the man. That face looked familiar until I finally realized who it was.
"Ben? Ben Kenobi? Boy am I glad to see you." I said.

"Gentlemen waste are not to be traveled lightly." He said. Ben was wearing a cloak that covered him. He got up from the ground and helped me up.

"Tell me young Joe, what brings you out this far." He asked me. "Oh this little droid. I think he's searching for his former master, but I've never seen such devotion in a droid before." I said.

"He claims to be the property of an Obi- Wan Kenobi guy. Is he a relative of yours? Do you know who he is talking about?" I asked him. He was confused and looked away.

He sat on the nearest rock. "Obi-Wan Kenobi. Obi- Wan. Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time." Ben said.

"I think my uncle knows him. He said he was dead." I said. "Oh he is not dead. Not yet." He said. "You know him." I said.

"Of course I know him. He's me." He said. What? Ben is Obi-Wan? Shocker. R2D2 started beeping again. I looked at Obi-Wan again.

"I haven't gone by the name Obi-Wan since all before you were born." Obi-Wan said. "Well then the droid does belong to you." I said.

"It seems to remember I ever owning a droid. Very interesting." Obi-Wan said. We heard weird noises from far away. "I think we better get in doors."

We drove away on the landspeeder. We arrived at his house. I started fixing C-3PO. I started explaining to Obi-Wan that my father didn't fight in the wars. All of sudden Obi-Wan hands me a lightsaber. He says it was my father's.

R2 showed Obi-Wan the message. "You will learn the ways of the force if you come with me to Alderaan." Obi-Wan said. I refused because it was dark outside. I went back to my place and it was on fire.

Oh no. Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen. They're..dead. I went back to where Obi- Wan was and headed to Mos Eisley.

We went inside a place where there were lots of people. I decided to get a drink. Lots of creatures started to talk to each other. Nice music playing. Obi-Wan started talking to a Wookiee. I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey. He doesn't like you." The stranger said. "Sorry." I said. "I don't like you either." He pulled me back. "You just watch yourself. I have the death sentence on 12 systems." He states.

"I'll be careful." I said. He pulled me hard again from the shoulder.
"You'll Be dead!" He said.
"This little one is not worthy of dumb. Let me get you something." Obi-Wan said. The stranger sent me falling back.

Obi-Wan used his lightsaber and used it against the stranger. Yells were heard. I looked at him and he pulled me up.

We needed to get to Alderaan and we needed something to get over there because Alderaan was a planet. So we needed to get a ship from someone.

"Hi. Brian Solo."

This will be continued!

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