Do You Really Mean That? (Part 2)

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Q's PoV
"I'm sorry to say this my friends but, Sal, has quit the show." Joe said. The crew members began to gasp and some even began to cry. Pete, looked at me and shook his head in shock.

I went on my twitter and looked at my recent tweet, as it filled up with hate comments.

how dare you kick Sal off!
You pricks! Fuck you guys! I'm never watching the show AGAIN
Brian Micheal Quinn, you piece of shit.
Fuck off well ya

"Joe. Joe oh no. Is your twitter filled up with-" Joe nodded his head quickly as I peered at his phone and saw the comments. More hate comments appeared ever ten seconds.

"Mines is filling up with hate comments too!" Murr shouted. We groaned and knew the fans that loved us now hated us. We needed to do something, and FAST. I texted Sal that I was on my way.

Q:  Sal please don't ignore me. I love you.
Sal: Q you decided to treat me like I was nothing, vulnerable, and hurt.

I fought back tears and rode back to the hotel. I rushed to the door, I tried getting my keys while my hands shook.

I finally opened the door and Sal wasn't there. I looked around the room. He wasn't in the bedroom, bathroom or the living room. I ran to the lobby to try to find him. He wasn't there either. I called Joe to ask if he had seen Sal.

"Hey Joe. Have you seen Sal?" I asked him. "Nope. He's avoiding us remember?" Joe said. I hung up and kept looking.

Oh gosh, where could Sal be? I bumped into a woman and I said I was sorry. She replied with "Q you piece of shit! Why would you do this to Sal?!" Well, my vacation is ruined.

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