The Greatest Showman

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Inspired by the movie The Greatest Showman!
Q's PoV
Showman. That's my dream. To be a Showman and to be the best one. I looked at the Showman suit and thought about my future. I was only 12 at the time.
"Come on Son! Stop staring at the stuff! We have deliver this!" My father yelled.

I ran to catch up with my father. He was clutching the carpets or whatever he was holding. We walked to the house he was delivering the carpets to.

My father fixed his hair and dressed in a suit and a top hat. We came up to the house. It was a mansion and was fancy.

My father knocked on the door. A man in a suit opened the door. He let us inside.

My father told the man about the carpets. I looked over at my right and saw a beautiful person. He had beautiful eyes. He had nice hair. He was handsome and pretty. He looked at me. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

He had a beautiful smile.
"So you want to properly drink and not to slurp. Be a gentleman." The lady said to the boy.
I made funny faces and he ended up spitting out his tea.
"Bad Salvatore! Get out of the house!" His father yelled.

"No sir. He didn't do it. I did." I confessed to his father. He kicked me out of his house. I went to the beach by his house.

I heard the sounds of footsteps on the sand. The beautiful boy had came and sat next to me.
"H-Hi. What's your n-name?" I asked.
"My name is Salvatore. But everyone calls me Sal for short. But when father gets mad, he calls me Salvatore. What's your name?" He said.

"My names Brian. Nice to meet you Sal."
"Sorry of what my father did Brian."

I reached over to grab his hand. I smiled.

I lead him into a mansion and it was old. We played there.

Growing up. It was tough for me. My father passed away. I was at his grave in the very heavy snow. His top hat lied on his grave. I grabbed his hat and hugged it tightly. I was.. lonely. I walked in the town and I saw a circus sign and thought about that being my dream job.

I'm all grown up now. I went to Sal's house and knocked his door. I dressed nice with my father's top hat. Sal's father opened the door.
"Hello Mr. Vulcano. I would like to take your son, Salvatore." I said.
I saw Sal walking down the fancy stairs.
"If he doesn't like where he's at, he'll come back." His dad said.
"Bye father." Sal said while hugging him.

We went to live in an apartment. I proposed to Sal and got married. We adopted two children, Sarah Quinn and Emily Quinn. I was at work and I typed on my typewriter. I scratched my beard and fixed my kinda of long hair.

"Can I have your attention please?" You're all dismissed." The boss said.
I walked up to the man. Took the paper from him.
"Bankrupted?" I questioned.
"Better luck with your next job." He said.

I went to my apartment and went to the top of the building. I saw Sal and our kids.
"Hi honey! How was work?" He said.
"Hi baby." I handed him the paycheck.
"I know this isn't the life I haven't promised you. Not even close." I said. "I don't care. As long as I'm with you and the kids I'm happy." Sal said.

I pressed my lips against his.
"Daddy!" Emily and Sarah ran to me and jumped on me.
"Hey kids!" I gave them a kiss on their heads.
"I've got a surprise!" I told them.
I got a candle and something that has holes. Then I spun the thing around. It had made patterns that spun.

"Kids I think I've got an idea." I looked at my husband. I finally decided to make my dream come true. I knew a man and he was short.
"Hey I want you to part of my circus." He turned around and closed the door.
"People will make fun of me."
"No. Wait. You'll be the solider and everyone would applauded for you!"
He smiled.

"I'll be in your circus." He said.

I wanted more people to join. I gave out signs to sign up for the circus. Emily and Sarah helped out.
"Daddy look!" Sarah pointed at people throwing the papers on the floor.
"Dada! They are throwing the papers on the floor!" Sarah told Sal.

I knew what to do.
"Hey do you know people who want to do like a circus act?" I asked a man.
"If you're looking for freaks, they are over there." He pointed to a building.

I had heard a beautiful singing voice. Like a woman's voice. I went up to a laundry place to see who that was. People said 'you can't be here'. I ignored them while holding both of my daughters hands.

"Who's that beautiful singing voice coming fr-" I had pulled the curtain.
It was a woman that had a beard.
"You shouldn't be here. People make fun of me." She whispered.
"I won't make people make fun of you. Come join my circus. You'll be special." I told her.
"Yeah it doesn't matter what people say about you. Your pretty!" Emily said.

She smiled at my daughters compliment.
"What's your name sweetheart?" I asked.
"My name is Lettie Lutz. Nice to meet you?" She said.
"Brian. Brian's my name." I shook her hand.
"Nice to meet you Brian. I'll be part of your circus!" She said.

I wrote down her name.
I put up a sign in the town and people came to see me and to have an act.
"What is your act gonna be?"
"I'm a very huge man. So I think I would be part of your circus."
The acts were The Huge Man, The Tattooed Man, The Dog Boy, The Siamese Twins, The Three-Legged Man, The Juggler, The Tom Thumbed Solider, Two Acrobats and The Breaded Lady.

"Alright all we need now is a guy who gives tickets out." I said to Sal.
"What about him?" Sal pointed to a man.
"Hey sir. By the way my name is Brian. You wanna hand tickets for the circus?" I asked.
"My names O'Malloy. Sure I will." He said.

We waited for people. People saw the signs and started paying tickets. It was time for our show. Sal, Sarah and Emily sat in the crowd.

People sang and dance and did the acts. I was with Lettie and I put on my top hat and ran out. I sang till my hearts desire.
"Look it's daddy!" Emily said.
I started dancing and I slid on my knees and someone backflipped over me. We finished dancing and everyone applauded.

"Wow! What a great show!" I said.
I saw Emily, Sarah and Sal. They came and hugged me. I pressed my lips against Sal's. I smiled in the kiss. I pulled apart.
"I love you Sal."
"I love you too Brian."
Everything was fine until I read the newspaper.

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