6. Teaching Him A Lesson

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*knock knock knock*

"What?" I asked.

"You okay in there?" Ariana's voice asked.

"Come in," I said.

She opened the door and join me on sitting on my bed.

"You okay?" She asked.

"Yeah. I'm okay. It's just, me and Geo got into a fight like a day ago." I said. She nodded. "He said that I would never have to worry about him again. I know he didn't mean break up but a small part of me did. And then he does shit like this? I just don't understand."

"Court, it was the heat of the moment. You know he loves you. You know he adores you. You guys keep coming back to each other. You're inseparable," She told me.

"Well that's because we would always need to talk about our problems. We didn't want to feel judge and since we already know fucked up shit about each other we don't judge. But now..But now we have other people to talk to," I said.

"Well, what do you mean?" She asked.

"When I was in college and Geo started answer my calls less I turned to Carter. I didn't know anybody well enough to open up to them yet. It wouldn't be hard to turn to him now. And I fear that London knows more than me," I said.

"Wait really?" Geo said. He opened the door. "No. She doesn't know anything that you don't know or even half the things you do know. I stopped calling you in college because it reminded me that you were so far away. I was trying to forget about you so I wouldn't..Idk be moping around the house. I can see now how that may have looked,"

"Well I'll let you two sort this out," Ariana said getting up.

Geo grabbed her arm, "Talk to Waleed."

She looked back at him and nodded.

I sat on my bed and Geo did too, "I-I can't explain to you enough how much I love you. And I can't explain to you what it means when I do the things I do. I... I always try to break things off before I fuck up. I've fucked up things with you so many times. I'm the reason for all of the fights, arguing-" Geo was saying.

"Geo, no don't say that. It was my fault, all of it," I said.

"No. You've done nothing wrong at all. The first break up was me. I picked up on the fact that telling people things that make them mad was hard for you, yet I still blamed you. The second break up was also me. I talked about her a lot because I didn't want to hear about what was going on with you. I didn't want to hear about how much fun you were having without me and all your new friends. Especially boy friends."

"Geo it was both of us. I should've recognized that it was hard for you as well. I shouldn't have gotten mad about-"

I didn't know what to say because he was right. That was his fault. A lot of my suffering and pain and tears for the past 8 months was his fault.

"Exactly. I don't know where you want to go from here but I'll be okay with your choice," he said.

"Geo," I looked at him. "This is not a break up apology. This is a work through so we won't breaking up, apology."

"Oh good," he said releasing his breath. "I started to cry a bit," he said whipping his eyes.

I saw a stream of water on his cheek and I wiped it off, "Awe babe."

He emotionally laughed, "Well you accomplished everything on your list today: making me miss what I had, making me mad, and a apology. Teaching me a lesson."

I laughed, "I guess I did."

"And the way you're looking in that outfit- I wanna teach you a lesson too," he winked.

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