7. Happy Because of You

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I woke up and got a text from Geo.


Geo😛💓: gm beautiful just wanted to say I'm so glad ur in my life I have made so many mistakes and u r still here right by my side ily with all my heart and I don't EVER want u to forget that

End of text

I smiled. It felt refreshing to not be arguing and yelling and putting all my energy into making him feel sorry or trying to avoid him. Now I can just focus on loving him and being there for him. 

I walked to the bathroom to get ready for the day. I looked at the mirror and there was a sticky note:

Gm babe when u see this call me please : ) 

I smiled again. Why is he being so cute? I couldn't stop smiling. I didn't even get ready I just grabbed my phone and called him.

He picked up.

"Babe?" I questioned.

"Yeah, hello."

"You told me to call you?" I said like a question.

"Oh yeah. You got the note."

Okay that was less cute.

"I want you to come over. I have a surprise for you."

"Okay. Um right now?" 

"No be over here in 45 minutes.

"Okay bye babe."

"Bye love you."

"Love you."

I hung up. I woke him up. I could hear it in his voice. So whatever he was planing wasn't ready.

I started to get ready. He didn't say dress any type of way so I prepared to dress casual. I brushed my teeth then got in the shower. After the shower, I put on a little makeup then got dressed. After that I was about 30 minutes late. So I started on my walk. So I was 36 minutes late. Then I realized he was at the apartment. I was 53 minutes late. I unlocked the door and walked in.

"Babe!" Geo shouted as he ran to me and covered my eyes.

"What?" I said. I kinda got a glimpse of what he was putting together. I saw roses and candles. It felt like Valentine's day.

"It's not ready. I don't want you to see it yet," he said.

"It's been 2 hours. What are you putting together? A house?" I asked.

"It's a secret. Don't worry, you're going to love it," he said. "Here, come in the room." 

He guided me into the room and sat me on the bed. He took his hands off my eyes and I opened them.

"Why are you smiling so hard?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

He laughed and I realized I was grinning ear to ear. I've been smiling since I woke up and it's because of him. He's made me so happy today and it's only been 3 hours.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I guess I'm just happy," I said.

He smiled, "I'm happy too.. Because of you. I love you more than anything."

I hugged him tight for a moment. When I pulled back he kissed me. He grabbed my waist as we got deeper into the kiss. I laid on the bed, still connecting the kiss. He moved down to my jaw then to my neck. He found my sweet spot and I moaned.

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