41. Advantage

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"Thank you for standing up to my mother like that. Nobody's ever done anything like that for me before."

"It's nothing. I just couldn't stand the fact that she said those things to you. You are an amazing person and for her to just bash you like that," I sat back and let a long breath out, "I couldn't just sit there."

He laid his hand on my leg gently and nodded, "I know."

I smiled at him then looked out the window.

"Well that's my mother for you. Isn't she just a lovely peach?"

We both chuckled, "Oh please, wait till you meet my mother."

He looked over at me fast. I wasn't saying he was going to meet her. It was just something to say. I guess he could tell by my blank expression that I wasn't serious.

"But again thanks."

"No problem. Hey can you drop me off at Geo's house?" I asked.

"Why?" He asked me.

"He wants to talk about Florida. I don't think he's at my house. I would have heard Brysen in the background."

"Oh okay, sure."

We drove there and we sung alone to the songs that played.

"I miss us jamming out to N.A.T." he told me.

"We probably stopped because you use words like jamming. That sounds like something someone's dad says."

He laughed and we made it to Geo's.

"Oh wait I don't see his car he might be at the apartment," I said looking over at the driveway.

"Apartment? What apartment?" Carter laughed.

"Wait I haven't told you about the apartment?" I asked.

"Apparently not," he chuckled.

"Oh well, Geo bought us an apartment."

He swerved a bit, "He bought you a who now?"

"Not me. Us. It's for me and him," I told him.

"You didn't think to tell me?"

"I thought I did. It's not like you need to know anyway."

"When did this happen? Like last week or.."

"No it's been almost a year," I said. He swerved  again.

"Carter can you stop doing that. You're making me nervous."

"Sorry sorry. What day exactly, did you find out about this?" He asked me.

"I think it was the day you told me you were leaving. I was there when you called me about it," I said.

He swerved again a bit harder this time.

"Carter," I said hitting the dashboard.

"I'm not doing it on purpose."

"Wait where are we going? I haven't told you the address," I said.

"I'm just driving. I can't believe you didn't tell me about this."

I gave him the address.
"Why would I? We weren't going to see each other again."

He shrugged, "Yeah whatever."

I didn't know what to say. Carter has never been upset with me.

"Ar-are you mad?" I questioned.

"No. I just wish I would have known."

I didn't have much to say but I didn't want it to stay quiet.

"Does it make a difference?"

"I guess not. It just feels like he has an advantage now."

We finally arrived at the apartment and I waved to Carter as he pulled off.

I went up the elevator to find Geo.
I knocked on the door and he opened it.

"Hey baby," he smiled pressing a kiss to my lips.

"Hey," I smiled pulling away.

He had on nothing besides silk silver pants. And he looked incredibly scrumptious.

"Have a good day?" He asked.

"A.. interesting one," I claimed.

He nodded.
"Okay so about Florida. I say we go before our anniversary."

I nodded, "Sounds good to me."

"Okay," he said. "Um that means we leave in about four days."

I nodded.

I looked down at my hands and began to stress about packing. I looked back up at Geo who was looking at me.

"What?" I asked.

He blushed and laughed, "I don't understand how someone could be so beautiful."

"Ugh shut up," I said rubbing my cheek. They were getting hot.

"Want me to help you pack?" He asked.

"Yeah. Do you think she will care if I wear crop tops?"

"No. It's fine," he told me.

"Are you sure?"

"She doesn't care baby," he said. He came over and grabbed my waist.

"I have to make sure she likes me Geo," I told him.

"I already told you she loves you."

"My own mom doesn't even like me so I don't see how your mom likes me. Actually I do. She doesn't know me."

He pulled me closer, "That's not funny."

"I'm not laughing," I said.

I kissed his forehead then walked to the closet.

I picked up a a big black T-shirt. It had some type of design on it but I wasn't paying attention to what it was.

"That's mine," Geo said. "And it's no where near a crop top."

"I'm not wearing any crop tops in front of your mom."

"Be yourself baby. She already loves. And I've already sent her pictures of you in a crop top a few times."

I hit him, "Why the fuck would you do that?"

"Because I liked the picture and I wanted her to see you. Plus she asked."

"So you're telling me that she texted you and said 'I want to see Courtney in a crop top'?" I questioned.

"First she calls you Court more than anything.-" he was saying. I got super excited. She calls me Court! Omg!

"Second no it was something like ' You haven't sent me a picture in a while. I miss my daughter'."

I hit him again, "You're lying."

"Ow. Can you stop hitting me and no. I'm not."

"She called me her daughter?" I asked.

"Yes," he said rubbing his arm.

"Ugh your arm's okay," I said.

He laughed and we started packing.

Chapter 41. I'll double update again when I wake up

Word count is 978

Ignore all spelling errors

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