24. Forgiven

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He grabbed my hand and pulled me to a bench and sat me down.

"I know what just went on is a scary situation. That's someone's home and they were harmed. Home should always be a safe place, but don't hold it in. Talk about it," He said.

I chuckle under pressure, "Thanks but that's not what I'm upset about."

He wasn't really paying attention to my words anymore. He just stared.

Before I could ask what he was looking at, he spoke, "You are really beautiful."

I couldn't help but to smile like a complete idiot and thank him. I put my hand on my cheek trying to stop smiling but it was impossible.

"You said you didn't have a car? Do you need a ride home or something?" He asked me.

Did I need one? No. Am I going to take one? Yes.

"Yeah. You wouldn't mind would you?" I question.

He shook his head with a smile.
"But you'll have to wait for me to wrap up here. Is that okay?"

"Of course. Take your time," I said.

He got up and went back to work as I sat there thinking about how hard I blushed and how incredibly handsome he was.

After about 7 minutes of me sitting by my lonesome Brysen walked up to me.

"Hey, ready to go?" He asked me.

"You go on without me. I'll be home later."

"Is this about London? I swear, I didn't know she was here. I won't have-"

"I know you didn't. It's okay. I'm okay," I told him.

He nodded and walked off.

A good 12 minutes after that, the place was pretty much cleared and the doctor came back.

"Hey. By the way my name's Matthew," he came up with a smile.

"Hey. Courtney," I said.

"I didn't think you would actually wait for me," he said scratching the back of his neck.

I smiled, "Of course I would."

"Your smile is adorable," he said and I laughed. "And your laugh is so magical. Like a song, a fairytale, with nothing but endless happily ever afters."

I blushed and held cheek, "You really have a way with words."

"Thanks. I guess you just brought it out of me," he said. It was kinda queit untill he asked me, "Can I kiss you?"

I smiled hard and nodded. He kissed me and it quickly turned into a make out session.

We pulled away and the few people that were there were staring.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the back yard where we started making out again.

We were probably making out for 7 minutes until we heard a woman yell  "HEY!"

I jumped but not away from him. His grip on my body got tighter, protecting me. Then he let go and held my hand.

"Stay behind me," he said. He kept his hand in mine as we searched for the voice. He made it around the corner before I did and he called out "Hey what are you still doing here?"

I made it around the corner to see London, "It's okay. She's okay."

He let his guard down and held my hand loosely. I peered in the back to see Geo.

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