11. Convinced

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"Our first will definitely be a boy," I said.

We were finishing our food. Laughing and smiling and talking about our future kids and how spectacular our wedding is going to be. It just felt so great to be on the same page.

"Agreed," Geo said.

"And I hope you don't mind," I said taking a sip of my drink. I put my cup down and lend forward onto my elbows, "I already named him. I promised Brysen his name would be Brysen."

"I promised Michael already though," Geo responded.

"I've never even met Michael," I said.

Geo just laughed which caused me to laugh.

"How about.. Michael Brysen Roman?" Geo said.

And at the same time I said, "Brysen Michael Roman."

"Sorry Geo, but I have to say..I like Brysen Michael Roman better," Bry said.

"Of course you do, but sadly no," Geo laughed.

"I'll convince him," I said to Brysen.

"And I'll convince you to get a house with a pool," Geo said.

"And I'll convince you to build the kids a treehouse," I said.

"And you'll get convinced to buy a hot tub."

"And I'll get you to get a cat even though we already have 3 dogs."

"And I'll convince you to get the kids a trampoline even though they are only 1 and 3," Geo said.

"And I'll convince y..." I was saying until Brysen cut me off.

"And she'll convince you to get a snake yeah yeah. We get it. Look you two are extremely adorable and all but can you hurry up so we can do dessert and I can get outta here," Brysen said.

"I would never get a snake," I said looking at Brysen.

"I'll convince you," Geo said and I looked at him and smiled.

"I'm gonna hate that snake," I said.

"You'll grow to love him."

"Oh m- are y'all done?" Brysen asked.

"Sure Brysen. What's for dessert?" I asked.

"Thank you. It'll be right up," he said then walked away.

"Oop I forgot something," Geo said. He got up and walked into the kitchen. 

All of a sudden a slow song started playing. He walked back over to me and held his hand out.

"May I have this dance?" He asked.

I smiled from ear to ear. I put my hand in his and nodded.

He helped me up and wrapped his arms around my waist and held my hand. I wrapped my arm around his neck and smiled. 

"God you're so beautiful," he said giving me a peck.

"And you're so handsome," I said.

We danced slowly for awhile until, Geo stepped on my foot.

"Ow. Geo my foot," I said.

He laughed, "I'm so sorry baby." He picked me up bridal style and I giggled.

He laid me on the couch and took my shoes off. Then he gave me a foot massage.

"Ew why are you rubbing her crusty feet? It's dessert time," Brysen said.

"My feet aren't crusty. I went to the spa today," I said.

He put the dessert down on the table then walked towards me, "hmm they ain't do much." 

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