28. Refreshing

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Carter left giving me a tight hug, tighter than usual. I felt bad because Geo was trying, he was actually trying. He was trying to bond with Carter. Find interest in what Carter likes and Carter was just trying to steal me from him.

I know I should tell Geo about Carter's attempt on me but honestly, the back of my mind was thinking about it.

I know I shouldn't but I just can't help it. Things he promised is what I've been hoping for my whole life. A change in my mom, from my sister, ex boyfriends, ex best friends. I just wanted that. And he had it. And me and Geo... We are unsteady and toxic. Plus Carter is such a good friend, I don't want to lose him. I'll tell Geo later but for now I want to talk to Brys.

"Would you ever try to teach me photography?" Geo asked me.

I found it cute that he wanted to take up my interest.

"I'm not a very patient person but I could try if that's what you really want," I smiled.

He smiled, "I would like that. When's the first lesson?"

"I don't know. I just," I paused. "I just have somethings to do."

He nodded with a smile and headed off. I was confused why but then I remembered that I just said I had things to do. Which isn't a complete lie. I have to talk to Brysen.

I walked to Brysen's room and knocked on the door.

"It's opened," I heard him call.

I walked in the room and saw him laying on his bed. I crawled into the bed and got under the cover like I was a sick dog.

"Me have a problem," I pouted.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Carter wants to be my boyfriend," I said. That's the simplest way I could put it.

"So what's the problem?"

"What do you mean what's the problem? I'm with Geo," I said.

"Right. You're with Geo. So why is Carter even a thought?"

He was right. How can I even think about Carter? His words are only words. Just because he says he's going to make me happy doesn't mean he can. But at the same time he's never giving me a reason to believe that he can't.

"I guess you're right," I said getting up. He pulled me back down.

"But you don't sound very sure."

"Honestly, I'm not."

"Well what did he say?" Bry asked me.

"He told me that he will make me happy and heal me," I said.

"Wow, you're a sucker for healers."

"I know. What do I do?" I asked.

"As Geo's friend, go with Geo. As Carter's friend, go with Carter. As your friend, it's up to you. If it was me I would go with..oh that's a hard one."

"Oh my gosh. You've helped me a ton," I said sarcastically.

"I know. Glad to be a help."

I got back under the cover and hugged Bry as he hugged me back, "My heart's gonna ache isn't it?"

"I don't see any other way."

Like an hour later I was downstairs watching a movie in a soft blanket. I heard the doorbell and I answered it.

"Logan!" I shouted.

"Courtney!" He yelled.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

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