27. Healing

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I woke up with Geo's arms tightly wrapped around me. I shook him to wake him up. We fell asleep watching a movie last night, well Geo fell asleep before me but still.

"Babe, get up," I said.

He groaned then turned over.

I shook him again, "Get up."

He turned back over and propped his head up with his hand.

"I can't move. Get off of me," I said.

"When I flipped over, I let you go," he said.

"I know. I just wanted to annoy you," I laughed.

He rolled his eyes and laid back down.

I got out of bed and was walking to the bathroom when he said something.

"Dang babygirl. Your outfits are tempting," he smirked.

I was wearing a black bra and blue high waisted shorts that had my butt hanging out.

"Taking it slow," I reminded him.

"We can take that slow too," he laughed with a smirk.

And when I turned around he was right behind me. He grabbed onto my waist, turned me around, and kissed me softly. He grabbed my ass and then picked me up.

I pulled back, "Taking it slow."

I jumped off of him and then I walked into the bathroom, locked the door, and did my routine.

After I got out the bathroom Geo glared at me.
"Nobody told you to put your clothes on."

I crawled onto the bed with him and kissed his cheek, "Awe baby."

He pushed me off of him playfully.

I heard my phone chime and I grabbed it.

It was a text from Carter.


Carter💜: the pictures we took a couple of days ago
Carter💜: wanna look over them?

Court😍: that doesn't sound like a good idea

Carter💜: come on
Carter💜: we can even do it @ ur house

Court😍: fine
Court 😍: come over rn?

Carter💜: k be there in a second

Court😍: I told u stop saying "k"

Carter💜: k

Court😍: 🙄

Carter💜: lol

End of text

A couple of minutes later I was still on my bed and Geo was holding onto me. He had probably fallen back asleep by now. I looked up and saw that he was sleep.

I heard a soft knock on the door.

"Come in," I said.

Carter opened the door softly and tiptoed in.

"Is he sleep?" Carter whispered.

"YEP!" I yelled.

Geo woke up with a groan as I laughed. He elbowed me and then I punched his arm.

"Carter's here," I whispered to Geo.

"Well get the door," Geo said.

"No, he's here right now," I whispered and Geo popped up.

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