18. Disappeared

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I was still crying and they were still calling but now they were also texting. I just wish they would leave me the fuck alone.

A couple minutes later my wishes were answered. They stopped calling, all of them and I was in silence besides my crying. You would think that would make me happy but it didn't. I wanted them to keep calling I wanted to know they cared. I guess they only cared for 6 minutes. They probably have London over by now. Maybe she's my replacement. I mean, she already replaced me in Geo's eyes so why not everyone else's.

I started crying again, harder. I needed to get a drink or 20. I started my car and went to find something to drink. Good thing I always keep my fake ID in my car. I fixed whatever my makeup was and made it bold so I would look older. I headed to a bar and took my seat. I asked the bartender for the strongest thing he had. He didn't even ask for my ID. He passed me my drink then rounds and rounds after that.

It felt like 5 minutes. I felt like 5 trucks hit me but at the same time the front of the trucks were soft, like a pillow. It was 2:02 and the bar closed 2 minutes ago. During my binge drinking they were calling me again. I ignored them all and drowned my tears.

"Hey, do you need a ride or something?" The bartender asked.

I wasn't going to ask him for a ride but I wasn't going to drive myself. Long story short I called Carter.

"Okay I'll stay with you till he gets here," he said.

I don't know why he was being so nice to me. But I was glad he stayed with me even though it was silent. He finished cleaning up the bar, wiping down the tables and cleaning the glasses. After awhile Carter peeked his head into the doors of the bar. I saw him and waved. Well as much of a wave as I could manage.

He walked up to me and put at least 50 dollars on the table. He grabbed my arm and wrapped it around his shoulder, "Thanks tender."

"He's a bartender named tender? That's the best thing I've heard all day," I said barely forming that sentence correctly.

"It's not- Actually you seem to be having a bad day. That is my name. And your welcome."

"Well he was a nice gentleman," I said as Carter helped me up.

He tried guiding me out the door but I was so loopy and out if it I couldn't even stand up straight. He picked me up bridal style and he walked to my car.

He put me in the car and put my seatbelt on.

"Oh this is how my mom used to do it before I became a fuck up," I said.

He looked at me, sorrow in his eyes.

He hated that I said that about myself but I was drunk and being extremely honest.

He then closed the door and got in the driver's seat.

"Oh no Carter this isn't my car," I said then laughed. "Just kidding."

He chuckled, his laugh like lingering music.

"On a scale of one to ten, how drunk do you think I am?" I asked.

"A solid eig...," Carter started.

"Shhhh. Why are you talking so loud," I whispered. His voice was pounding through my skull.

"Scratch that, ten," he looked in the rear view mirror and flashed me a smile. "You know..you know you're not a fuck up, right?" He asked looking back at me.

"Tell that to everyone I have ever crossed paths with."

He didn't say anything else. He just started to dive.

The rest of the drive consisted of me laugh, and mumbling none sense.

We made it to Carter's house and he helped me to bed.

He was about to turn off the light when, "Wait Carter."


"Can you tell them you found me later?" I asked.

"Found?" He questioned.

"They've been calling me all day. Ring after ring after ring," I said.

"Why don't you want them to know you're safe?" He asked.

"I don't know," I lied.

He just sat on the bed for a moment, thinking.

"I can't do that, sorry," he told me. "They are clearly really worried about you and if it were the other way around, I would want to know."

"Okay, I get it," I smiled.

He smiled back at me. He kissed my forehead and tried to turn off the light again.

"Can you maybe...Keep it on?" I questioned.

"Are you scared of the dark?" He asked.

"The light gives me comfort. Makes me feel less alone," I looked down at my tattoo then back at Carter. I could tell he was thinking about staying with me. But at the last moment he nodded smiling, then got up and walked towards the door.

I flipped over to my side and said, "Carter you were the best boyfriend I ever had."

From the corner of my eye I saw him look back at me and then he closed the door leaving a small crack. Just enough for a little slit of light.

End of chapter 18. Thank you all so much for 1k reads on this book. It means a lot that you guys are still reading. Thought y'all would be tired of Carter by now and leave 💀 appreciate you 💞

Word count is 938

Ignore all spelling errors

March 31, 2018

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