19. No Good

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I woke up with a small jump not remembering where I was for a second. I've only been in his guest room once plus now. I looked around and I was all alone. I dragged myself out of bed and quietly went downstairs to find Carter. As I creeped down the stairs I spotted Waleed, Brysen, Geo, and Logan. But they spotted me too.

"Babe!" Geo yelled standing up. Ugh don't call me that.

"Where's Carter?" I asked.

"He's upstairs," Brysen answered

I turned to go back up the stairs.

"Wait babe, you're not going to say anything to us?" Geo asked.

"Did you not just hear me ask about Carter?" I said making a where tf were you at? face.

"I..." Geo was saying something but I just walked back upstairs to find Carter.

As I walked around the corner I hear kissy sounds. muah,muah,muah,

"Carter what the fuck are you doing?" I asked as I walked in the bathroom. He was making kissy faces to the mirror.

He jumped back, "Nothing. Nothing at all."

"Why are you making kissy faces to the mirror?" I asked.

"I'll tell you, but don't laugh at me," he said.

"I make no promises," I said.

"Okay fine. So I bought this new chapstick and it's supposed to make your lips like fuller," he told me.

"Ouu I want to try," I said.

He passed me the chapstick and I applied it, then we both started making kissy faces in the mirror.

I looked over at his reflection and laughed, "You look so fucking stupid."

He playfully pushed me, laughing, "Shut up."

I pushed him back and laughed. He pushed me again and we just started laughing and pushing each other. We laughed so hard that streams of tears were running down my face and Carter's eyes were watering.

"Hey," Geo said over our laughs. "What's going on in here?" He kinda laughed. You could tell he was trying to fit in.

"Hey," Carter said calming down.

"W-What's so funny?" Geo asked.

"Nothing. It's just..nothing," Carter said.

As they spoke I thought about everything that happened last night. At least all that I could remember. The high that Carter had just brought me to shortly faded and I got sad. I hid everything and I smiled a fake smile.

"We weren't doing anything. I-I gotta go," I walked out of the bathroom and I doged into the guest room, locking the door behind me.

Geo ran after me and knocked on the door.

I ignored him as tears fell down my face. He knocked harder and I heard Carter voice too.

I quickly wiped the tears from my face and checked to make sure it didn't look like I was crying. I walked to the door and opened it.

"What's wrong?" They asked at the same time.

I looked at them, "Nothing. What are you guys talking about?"

"You seem upset," Geo said.

"No, but my throat actually hurts a little. Can you please get me some water?" I asked.

"Yes, of course," Geo said. He quickly walked out of my sight, down the stairs.

Carter walked in a closed the door behind him, "What's wrong? And stop lying."

"I-I...I don't want to talk about it."

He grabbed my hand and sat me on the bed, "What's wrong?"

"Okay," I took a deep breath. "Yesterday I looked through Geo's phone." He made a judgemental face.
"Don't make that face because I found something. Him and London kissed."

His face sympathetic, he said, "I'm so sorry. When did this happen?"

"During our break. And I know I shouldn't be crying. It was a break but.."

"But you felt like you guys were still together. I understand and I think he felt the same," he told me.

"Would you consider that cheating?" I asked him.

"Yes. But I mean he has you. Why would he do anything with anybody else?" His eyes grew wide and his skin turned red. I ignored it. It was clearly a mistake.

"I haven't told him that I know and that's why I was out last night and that's why I didn't want you to tell them you found me. I didn't want him to do what he's doing."

"What is he doing?"

"Acting like he cares."

"When are you telling him?" Carter asked.

"I don't know."

"Are you staying with him?"

"I don't know. He will probably find a way to pull me back in," I told him.

"He..he's no good for you," Carter said.

"But he makes me happy."

"Don't mistake 'happiness' for 'good for you'. Those are two different things. Just because someone makes you happy doesn't mean they're the right person," he said.

I nodded my head but he looked at me like if he thought I didn't get it through my head. I noticed that I had tears going down my face and I wiped them. I heard Geo coming up the stairs and I asked Carter did it look like I've been crying. He looked at me with this look. He looked like he felt so bad for me. He shook his head then pulled me into a tight embrace. Then Geo walked in.

"Your water," Geo said handing it to me.

"Th-thanks," I smiled.

"So what was going on with you yesterday?" Geo asked.

"Um- I was just feeling very emotional, I guess," I said.

"I guess because you were just crying for no reason," he kinda laughed.

I laughed along but I was crying inside.

"Um, Courtney I have some photos I need you to look at," Carter said.

"Um, okay," I said. I got up, ready to follow Carter to the photos.

"Babe, I need to talk to you later," Geo told me.

"Okay," I replied, then Geo got up and pecked my lips. He grabbed my waist and kissed me again more passionately and I pulled away.

Carter grabbed my hand and pulled me out the room as I closed my eyes trying not to cry. He pulled me into his room and sat me down on the bed.

"Where's the pictures?" I asked holding back my tears.

"There are no pictures. You needed to get out of there," Carter said.

I leaned into his chest and cried.

End of this chapter and also the end of this book. I don't really know what to do with it anymore and I don't even think it's good. That's why it's been taking me so long to update because I don't really know wtf to do or what's going on anymore. Also I'm not that interested in Geo anymore so why write a story about him? But with all that being said I hope you enjoyed this book and I also hope you enjoyed being pranked on April fool's. Gotcha 😉. Okay let me stop before y'all unvote for all my chapters and report my book or something lol. Comment if I got ya. Lol.

Word count is 1,195

Ignore all spelling errors

April 1, 2018

Edit: Woah I'm such a prankster 🤙😝😌 gOoFy mE

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