34. Heaven

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I woke up this morning and smiled. Today my little cousin is coming over to spend the night. Her name is Heaven. Her mom, which is also my cousin, she used to babysit me when I was little. Her mom will be at my parents house and you know how that goes. Since I woke up at 3:48 they'll be here soon, at 4.

Now 4 o'clock

I heard a knock on the door and I was so excited. I haven't seen Heaven in so long. She is three now.

I opened the door and gave her the biggest hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Neesy," Heaven called. She can't completely pronounce Courtney so she just calls me Neesy.

"Heaven," I said. I'm actually really surprised that she remembers me.

"Hold on Heaven," her mom, Aaliyah, said. As she waddled  her way to the front door. She's pregnant again.

"Awe," I said, "Your little walk is so cute."

She smiled at me then handed me Heaven's book bag, "Here is her bag."

Brysen came downstairs, "Hey..oh is that Heaven?"

He gave her a big hug and tickled her. Since me and Brysen have been friends forever he knows all my family.

"You're getting so big," I said to Aaliyah.

"Yep. Only three more weeks," she said.

"That soon?"

"Yeah," she said.

After me and Aaliyah caught up a bit she left and me and Heaven we're playing dress up in my clothes. She couldn't fit any of it but it was fun to pretend. She played in all my dresses. It was the cutest thing.

After awhile I heard a knock on my bedroom door and it was Geo.

"Come in," I said.

"Hey," Geo said opening the door.

"Ew it's a boy," Heaven said.

"The ewboy has a gift in his hand," I said to Heaven.

"Oh, I like gifts," she said. She put on her best smile and aimed it toward Geo.

"Luckily, this is for you," he smiled.

"For me?" She questioned. Geo nodded and handed it to her with a smile.

She opened it and smiled harder, "The ewboy got me a doll."

"Oh. Let me see it," I told her. She showed it to me. "Well she is beautiful."

"What's her name?" Geo asked.

She thought for a second, "I don't know. What should her name be Neesy?"

"Neesy?" Geo asked.

"Like CourtNEY," I said.

Geo nodded.

"I think her name should be..How about Princess.."

"Lollipop," she smiled.

"Lollipop?" I questioned. She just looked at me, "Princess Lollipop it is."

I got up and gave Geo a kiss realizing that I never really greeted him.

"Ew. You guys are gross."

We cleaned up with dress up and I made her a sandwich. After that we chilled and watched TV for awhile and she fell asleep. I got up to use the bathroom and when I came back her and Geo were asleep together. I couldn't help but notice how adorable it was. I imagined how great of a father he would be and a smile spread across my lips. He moved and I ducked not wanting to be seen. I looked back up and he was holding her tight and I could have passed out. It was so freaking cute.

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