63. Leaving Me

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I came back home and walked in the kitchen. I was starving. When I walked in Geo was swinging at the refrigerator.

I laughed, "The hell are you doing?"

"I'm mad. We don't have any food."

I put my keys on the counter and looked at him, "Is this what you do when I'm not home?"

He grabbed me and hugged me, "When we don't have food."

I laughed and pecked him, "I'll order a pizza."

"Okay," he said. It was quiet for a moment until he grabbed my arm turning me back to him.

"Yeah?" I asked. His face looked serious and sad.

"After your done,-" he was saying. I nodded. "Meet me on the couch. I need to talk to you about something important."

"Okay," I nodded.


I sat down on the couch and Geo was sitting there watching TV. He turned the TV off then looked at me. He grabbed my hand and took a deep breath.

Woah. He seemed really down. He was happy this morning. What happened? What is he going to say?

"New York is fun. Really really fucking fun. And I love being here with you. I love you. But-"

Why the fucking but.

"-Not only do I miss LA already, I really miss Florida and PR. I've missed them for awhile but I got used to it because I had all my friends and you. But now that I'm here and don't know anyone and the only person I have is you and you're gone for like half of the day, I get left with my thoughts and I start to miss everyone and everything."

"Geo I'm sorry, but the point in me being here is for school so I can't just skip out on it."

"No, I know. That's not what I'm saying. I don't want you to."

I hugged him, "I'm sorry you're home sick."

He patted my back and then pulled away, "Babe."

"Yes?" I questioned.

"I'm moving back to Florida."


He squeezed my hand and started talking again, "And I was hoping..after you're done here, with school and all, you would move with me."

I let his hands go, "Um no."

"Why not?" He asked with a slight attitude.

"What do you mean why not?" I said with a full on attitude.

"Why do you need to stay there? You don't talk to your family, you can still write and take pictures in Florida and we'll be together."

"Okay first of all those damn people that lived with me until I ran away are not my fucking family. Brysen; Ariana; Francisco; Jazmine; Meridith and now Connor, are my family. And this past year I've made new family like Waleed, Nick, and Logan."

"You can talk to them on the phone."

"How about you talk to your family on the phone."

"I have for the past year and a half!"

"And who's fault is that? I never fucking told you to move to California!"

"You're being unbelievable. I packed up my whole fucking life and moved here with you and you can't do the same for me?"

"I never told you to move here with me. You did that on you own. I never even suggested it and you have literally been here a week and your already backing out. And it's not the same thing. This was only going to be 9 months. How long are we going to be in Florida?"

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