21. What About Him?

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"W-where do you want to go?" Carter asked me.

I leaned over, grabbed his face and kissed him. He didn't kiss back at first but then he did and grabbed my waist. I pulled away.

"Your place."

"Okay," he said.

He started the car up and I seen Geo looking at us from the door. He was obviously hurt and sad and I almost felt bad but then I didn't give a fuck because of all the shit I put up with. All the shit he put me through. I've been feeling bad. I've been apologizing. I've been accepted apologises. I've been getting hurt and I'm over it.

We finally made it to Carter's and as soon as he shut the door I pinned him to the wall and kissed him roughly.

"Wait wait," he said in between the kiss.

I pulled back. My hands still on his chest pushing him to the wall.

"W-what about Geo?" He asked.

I kissed him again and started to unbutton his shirt.

"What about him? Forget Geo. He doesn't care about me," I said. I pulled back and looked him in the eye, "Not the way you do." Then I kissed him again.

"Come on," Carter said. "Isn't there something else you want to do? Talk about it? Take pictures? Something?"

I completely pulled back, "Do you not want me?"

He looked me in the eye and I just smashed my lips into his again. He didn't respond. But then I felt his lips fight through to mine. They started moving in a perfect formation. Sooner or later Carter's arms were around my waist and he picked me up, turned us around, and slammed me against the wall. He started to undress me and then kiss my neck. He carried me upstairs and we had amazing, incredible, wonderful, spectacular sex. And lots and lots of it. We did rounds after rounds after rounds and it wasn't long before it was dark and I fell asleep.

1 hour later

I woke up and Carter was nowhere to be found.

I looked around and he opened the door letting a slit of light in.

"Hey," he said he had a bowl in his hand. "Ya hungry?"

I nodded and he handed me the bowl. It was a fruit salad.

I picked at a strawberry, then picked it up, then ate it. I looked over at Carter and saw him biting his lip. He picked up my bra from off the floor and tossed it to me.

"Here. We don't need to be on round, a million," he laughed and I joined.

I leaned over grabbing my underwear and slipped them on.

"You staying here or going home?" Carter asked.

"Um..I'm going home," I replied.

"But what if he's there?" He questioned.

"I'll just have to get over it. I honestly don't care anymore. I'm done with him. He's just a fucking jerk."

He laughed, "You're cute when you're mad."

"I'm cute all the time," I teased.

He smiled then left the room.

I finished my fruit salad up and then Carter came back.

"Carter, do you have something for me to wear? It seems chilly outside," I said.

"Yeah, um," he looked through he's drawer and pulled out an all gray sweat outfit with slides.
"This good?."

"That's fine. Thanks."

He nodded. I got dressed and we left.

"Thanks. For today," I smile as we pulled up.

"No prob," he replied.

"Ew prob" I laughed and he did too.

"I'm sorry this happened to you. You deserve-" He was saying.

"Carter stop," I said and he looked at me. "Just don't finish that sentence."

"Sorry," he said.

"It's nothing," I said. I gave him a quick peck on the lips until he pulled me back in and stuck his tongue down my throat. Fuck he was such a great kisser.

We finally pulled away and I smiled and waved getting out of the car.

I was walking to the door when I was stopped.

"Court?" I heard a familiar voice call.

I turned to see Gabe.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Hey." He smiled back.
"I don't want to get caught with Geo but I had to say something to you.

"Oh don't worry. We're not together anymore."

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Well in that case," he grabbed my waist and pulled me in. Our lips almost connected until Carter honked his horn, scaring me half to death.

He rolled down his window, "I'm just trying to make sure you make it in."

I looked at Gabe, "He's not going to leave until you leave."

He let go of my waist and nodded.

"Bye," I said then I kissed him on the cheek. I waved to Carter and went in the house.

I walked in and heard Bry call my name from the kitchen. I looked over to see him and Geo. Why the fuck is he still here? I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah it's me," I said.

I walked to the kitchen and Geo didn't even make eye contact with me. I hopped onto the counter and saw a bowl of grapes. I grabbed it and started to eat them.

"Uhh those are Geo's grapes," Brys said.

"Well Geo's all the way over there. Did you get these out of the refrigerator?" I asked.

He nodded not even looking at me.

"Well then they're mine. I bought them a couple of days ago," I said popping one in my mouth. "So what are we talking about?"

"Court," Bry said sternly. I was being a complete bitch but I'm not going to hide in my room just because he doesn't know when to go home.

"Bry," I said with the same amount of fearlessness in my voice.

"Maybe I should just go," Geo said. That's the first words he has spoken this whole time.

"No," I said hopping off the counter, grabbing the bowl. "I'll go." I walked out of the kitchen and I heard Bry call out to me, but I didn't listen.

End of chapter. Thinking about a double update today 🤔...

Word count is 1,033

Ignore all spelling errors

April 11, 2018

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