17. Kissed

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I was walking, searching for a quick place to shoot. I haven't shot at all since I been home, plus, Geo had just bought me new film. I was almost home and remember that Brysen's leaving in a bit. I was excited to be alone. It just kinda felt like a me day.

I walked up to the door and turned the knob and tried to push it open. It didn't budge. I turned it the other way. It didn't budge. I used my shirt to turn it. Nothing. Ugggh! I called Brysen to see if he could open the door and he didn't answer. I noticed that his car wasn't in the drive way anymore.

Yep definitely locked out.

I sat beside the door for at least a minute. I got up and turned the knob again. I don't know why I thought time would unlock it but I still tried.

"Ugh," I said out loud.

I decided that staying there wasn't helping anything. I got in my car and just sat there for a second. It was too damn hot to be outside all day. I had to figure out something without spoiling alone time with myself.

I remember that I had the key to our apartment in my car. It was in the little compartment between the driver and passenger seat. Geo's most likely at the house with the boys.

I looked for the key to make sure it was there and it was. I made my way there and unlocked it successfully. The joy that sprung through my body was unexplainable. And nobody was home. I looked around.

Last time I was here it was covered in roses and the time before that almost completely empty. I never really had a chance to look around. Now it's full and furnished. As I look around to get familiar, I noticed a little theme in the house. I smiled because I could tell Geo was thinking of me as he picked it out. From color to style- he was thinking of me.

I walked in the bedroom last. I flopped on the bed like a hard day after work. I was about to fall asleep when I hard a buzzing sound come from somewhere. I dragged myself out of bed to find the source. After long searching, I found a phone... Geo's phone. It was Waleed calling it. Geo must have been here earlier and forgot it. I waited for the answer machine to pick it up, then I just looked at the phone waiting for him to call again.

After like a minute he didn't call back. The whole time I looked at the phone, curiosity was crawling up my brain. Me and Geo are doing so well do I really want to throw that all away?..But at the same time, he's not here to catch me. I resisted the urge for as long as I could, but I couldn't help myself. I opened his phone and looked through him and London's text for the second time. I scrolled for as long as I could. I smiled as I saw him telling her to stop calling him babe.

Then something interesting came up.

London 🙈👑: youve been acting different since she's been back

Geo: I have?

London 🙈👑: yea u seem..Not like urself

Geo: not calling u babe isn't me acting different

London 🙈👑: more than that

Geo: I'm sorry

Geo: I'm giving her more attention than I used to

London 🙈👑: more than that too

London 🙈👑: Geo u remember when u two took that break and we kissed

London 🙈👑: that kiss was magical and powerful

Geo: yea I remember

London 🙈👑: we would have kept going but u stopped me

Geo: it was the right thing to do

London 🙈👑: and I kissed u again

London 🙈👑: and u grabbed my waist and I giggled that giggle u said u loved earlier in the night

Geo: and I stopped again

London 🙈👑: yea u did

London 🙈👑: we both wanted each other so bad tho

Geo: yeah..we did

London 🙈👑: but anyway I have to go gn

Geo: gn 🖤

End of text

My heart shattered into a million pieces. I felt lost. I didn't feel alive. I heard a door close and I quickly backed out of his phone and made everything unnoticeably touched.

"Oh hey Courtney," Geo said. I turned to face him.

"W-why are you crying?" He asked his mood changing to sympathetic.

"Oh, that?" I emotionally laughed, whipping my tears. "Just thinking about some stuff about my family," I lied.

He came in for a hug and I flenched at his movement.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked me.

"No, no, I'm good," I said and I walked out the room and apartment.

I got in my car and I drove. I don't know where but I drove.

A couple hours later

I was in an isolated part of the city where the stars were clear and there were no trees. I stayed in my car and leaned back and cried quietly. He kissed her. He really kissed her. He told me I had nothing to worry about. He told me she's not a problem. He told me that he thought it was me and him forever, but he's kissing up on another girl? He saying Carter's not trust worthy but we haven't kissed besides when we were together. Besides the time he kissed me on the cheek when Geo was on some bs while I was in college.

I looked up at the stars and started to regret everything about me and Geo's relationship. Maybe after the first time we should have learned our lesson. We aren't good for each other. I guess he just felt responsible for me and his brain made up the I love yous.

My phone started to vibrate and I looked at it and it was Brysen. I declined it. I don't want to deal with anyone. I wish I never even introduced those two. Now I don't want to talk to my best friend because Geo. I was getting calls back to back from everyone. Geo, Brysen, Waleed, Logan, Francisco, Ariana, Jazmine, Meridith, and even Connor. I was going to answer Connor but he was just going to report it back to them. He didn't really care. I just started to cry again.

End of chapter. This was a  sad one. 😥 Ok I'm tired gn

Word count is 1,122

Ignore all spelling errors
March 21, 2018

Edit: I forgot I was even editing this chapter

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