40. Mother Knows Best

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"You don't recognize your own mother?" She asked.

"I-I.." he walked towards her. "I do. I just can't believe it."

"I can't believe it's you either." They finally met just a couple feet away from each other until she walked up and pinched his cheeks. "You are so big young man. You are adorable. Everything... I've always imagined."

What the fuck is going on? She is nothing like what he has described or what I imagined. She was beautiful, probably about 5'4, blue eyes, straight blonde hair but roots were a little dark. She looked similar to Carter but he probably got most of his looks from his dad. She didn't seem cruel or pushy at all. She seemed like she at least cared about him. She wore a basic blue shirt, blue jeans, and a black jacket.

"Mom w-what are you doing here?" He asked.

"I came here to visit my son..well sons. You were a surprise," she smiled. She looked over at me. "And who is this?"

"This is Courtney. My-"

"Wife?" She asked.

Wife? There's the stories I've heard.

"Not even my girlfriend," Carter uttered. His mom didn't listen. She was taking in my appearance.

"You are so beautiful," she said.

I blushed, "Thank you. You are too."

"Beautiful and nice," she said grabbing my hands. "Why aren't you two married?"

"She has a boyfriend," Carter said. He stuck his hands in his pockets as a cold breeze picked up.

"Oh," she said. "You have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah um Geo. My boyfriend's name is Geo. Well Juwany but- Geo," I said. I should have stopped talking after Yeah.

"Then why are you with my son?" She asked.

"Mom leave her alone," Carter said. The breeze got heavier and I started to rub my arms to warm them up.

Carter walked towards me, "Here." He gave me his jacket and put it around my shoulders.

"Thanks," I said. He pulled me closer using the edges of the jacket and stared into my eyes and our noses were almost touching. This happens to often.

"I-I don't want you catching a cold," he said stepping back.

He took my breath away and I looked over at his mom and she was smiling ear to ear.

"I'll get the bells and you can wear my dress and ring," she cheered.

"She still has a boyfriend."

"Kick him to the curb," she laughed. It was like a song.

I heard my phone ring and I grabbed it.

"Hello," I said.

"Hey babe," Geo said.

"Yeah what is it?" I asked.

"I need to talk to you about Florida," he said.

"Now's not the time. When I get back home we can talk about it."

"Okay. I love you," he said.

"I love you too," I said. "Mawh."


Then he hung up.

"Carter is the one you need to say I love you too to," his mom said. "Alice by the way."

"Mom stop it. She has a boyfriend. We are not getting married and I am not coming back home so don't even think about asking."

She walked over to Carter and whispered something to him. I don't know what she said but it made me feel a little insecure.

"You love her. I can see it in your eyes. You just have to show her. She loves you too," Alice told him.

"With all due respect, Alice, I have a boyfriend that I love and appreciate and want. Me and Carter are just really good friends," I told her.

She looked at Carter, "You know your father had a girlfriend when I first met him and we were 'really good friends' too."

"And look how that turned out. He left you to start a new family."

His mom had no reaction to his words. My mom would have beat the shit out of me.

"Look son, some people aren't meant to be. But you and Courtney, you guys are meant to be. Look at the way she glows when you look at her," she smiled.

He looked at me and I tried to make the blankest face possible. Do I really glow when he looks at me?

"Mom," Carter said sternly looking back at her.

"Stop being such a fucking loser. God, you have to had gotten that from your dad. She seems great and you could probably have a good life with her if you weren't such a shit head and a fuck up."

Woah. I knew that Carter's mom would verbally abuse him because he told me. It was one of the things that made us click so well, but seeing it and hearing it in time not only made me feel bad for him but I felt like it made us closer. Now I know I can really relate to him.

"Hey, Carter's great-" I was saying.

"Courtney don't," Carter told me.

"He could be great. If he wasn't a complete fuck up. I wish Peyton never died. Maybe I could have raised him right and he wouldn't be anything like you. He would be brave and bold and way more muscler. He would be every girl's dream. Not a bullshit photographer, that takes pictures of absolutely nothing but grass and other things like that. He would be a football player or something. Rich and famous," she said. It was like she wanted Carter to cry. Why was she being so harsh?

"Woah. Why are you so harsh?" I asked.

"It's called tough love kid. I'm trying to make him stronger so maybe he could actually do something with his life."

"No that's called being an asshole of a parent. Carter is a great guy, a wonderful guy. Who listens and cares and is so sweet. He is one of the best photographers I know and is a damn good chef. He isn't famous, yet, but the way his house looks you would think he's rich. And no, he's not that into sports, besides basketball but that doesn't mean shit. He's brave and muscular and still works out. He knows how to treat a woman right and show her she's special and worth it. So for you to sit here and talk shit about your OWN damn son makes you a horrible person and is probably the reason he's not married. Who would want a bitch as a mother-in-law? And I can now say to Carter, 'you son of a bitch',"

Woah. I just called Carter's mother a bitch..like twice and a asshole. Wtf did I just do. Why did I curse her out?

Carter just looked at me amazed.

"Well Courtney," Alice paused. "I have to tell you after all my son's girlfriends-"

I am not his girlfriend. Haven't we been over this?

"None of them have stood up to me and stood up for him. If he has a beautiful woman screaming at me for what I said, I have to be doing something right," she smiled. Instead of telling her everything that was wrong with that sentence I just smiled too.

"Court are you ready to go?" Carter asked.

I looked at him and nodded. I turned back around to the graves.

"I love you Anthony and I miss you," I looked at the other grave. "Bye Peyton. Nice to meet you." I kissed my hands and sat it on both of the head stones. I turned back around to face them and Carter held his hand out for me to grab. I walked towards him to grab it and went in the car. Despite the fact that Carter's mom seems a little..off, I waved at her and she sent me a smile. Then we headed back home.

Chapter 40! Woah fourty chapters and stuff..I say that on like every ending now.

Word count 1,314

Ignore all spelling errors

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