53. It's Over

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The next morning Geo was gone and I called Carter over.

After about three minutes, he was here.

"Hey babe," he smiled.

"Carter don't," I said.

His smile faded, "What's wrong? What did Geo do to you last night?"

"Carter, we've been friends for awhile."

"Yeah. Almost a year."

"We have so much in common," I said.

"Yeah. Our fucked up families, photography. Oh and I've even been writing a little poetry. I know you do a different genre but it's still writing. It's actually really fun and therapeutic. I like it."

"Carter can you just agree or disagree?"


"But that's good that you are getting into poetry. I used to write a lot when I was like in 11th grade. Wow how did I have friends? I was the weird girl with a camera, a notepad, and a pencil. But anyway, sometimes- sometimes you love someone you shouldn't and can't-"

"Are you talking about you loving me? Why can't you? Geo doesn't matter," he said grabbing my hands.

"But he does and no, I'm not talking about me. I'm talking about you. You can't love me because I'm in a relationship," I said getting up.

"A relationship where you get treated like shit," he said getting up.

I was kinda offended.

"A relationship where I'm happy."

"So being happy is crying yourself to sleep?"

"Carter if I cry myself to sleep, if I go to sleep happy, or if I have steam coming from my ears, it doesn't concern you. It's none of your business."

"What the hell happened with Geo last night? Why are you acting like this?"

"Carter you are destroying yourself, waiting for something that's never going to happen. And you're destroying my relationship right along with it," I told him.

"Court, I love you. I love you so fucking much. From your hair to your feet. Every skin cell. That relationship that you are in is terrible. Let me show you better."

"No Carter. And from now on, only call me Courtney and actully, don't call me," I told him.

"Wait, what?" And then his eyes went wide.
"Are you breaking our friendship up?"

I nodded, "Yes. Yes I am because I need this, to move forward with Geo."

"Just move backwards with him and forward with me," he said desperately.

"Carter no. I-"

"What does he have that I don't?"

"Carter, when I look at Geo, I see memories. Lots of fun and wonderful memories that I wish would stay with me forever and some I know will."

"Even the bad ones? And when you look at me..? You don't see that?"

"I do. I see all of them and I feel good that none of them are bad."

"So I don't get it then. What is it that he has?"

"I look at Geo and see our past. Our memories but I also see our future. Our wedding, our kids, annoying snakes, cats, and three dogs. I see trampolines, treehouses, and a family," I was looking down by now and I found myself smiling.

"Court," Carter said grabbing my attention. "My mom's been asking about you."


"No she has. Still talking about marriage and when you're going to break up with Geo and how I could win you over. I don't even know how she got my number."

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean f-"

"Stop it," he said.

"Stop what?"

"Stop talking to me like I'm Geo. I know it isn't your fault, you know it isn't your fault so stop it."

"You stop it! Stop letting me walk all over you! You're going to make me turn into my mother."

He grabbed my hands, "You are not your mother."

"I know. But I don't want to turn into her. Carter you have to stay away from me."

"You met me around my 8 month mark of living in my house. It took me 2 months to move there quietly. The first month of actully living there was so stressful. I didn't know how to adult. I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. Then the second month I got everything under control. I was fine for a good 3 months but by the fourth month things got lonely. It was a big house with only one person living in it. Then two months later, when I was going to go back I met a beautiful girl, but she was in a relationship. Then she wasn't. She was, still is, beautiful, smart, kind, lovely, incredible, presious, a queen. And we grew closer and she filled my loneliness. My life felt compelete. All I needed was her, all I want is her. Then we broke up, and she got back together with her ex, but we were still friends. Now she's telling me we can't be friends or in any type of relationship. So now-" he raised his hand a bit, "Lonely."

"You will find somebody. More friends."

"I don't want anymore friends. I can't relate to them. I can't kiss them. Everyone like us is hiding or pretending it's not happening. It's only you."

"Carter I'm sorry. Trust me I truly, truly am but, I can't be friends with you and move forward with Geo. And I know you think I should just move forward with you and forget about Geo but I can't. I love him so much. I really, really do and you make him uncomfortable and insecure. He gave up London and I have to give you up. I can't continue this with you and still make him happy and without him...I'm not happy," I said.

"So that's it? I can't say anything to change your mind?"

"Nothing," I said.

"Okay well- goodbye I-I guess."

"Bye," I said and he hugged me. It was like the hug he gave me when he was going off to college. I knew I was hurting him. I was hurting him bad, but I needed this to happen.

After about a 1 minute he released me and left with tears forming in his eyes.

I felt like garbage for hurting him and plus I was hurting a bit too.

Carter made me a better person and it's going to be hard to forget him.

I buried myself in my covers. I didn't want to see any light. I wasn't in a good mood.

"Courtney, why the fuck did Carter just leave here after the conversation we had yesterday?"

"Geo not now," I said throwing the covers off of my head.

"What's wrong?" He asked. His voice changed.

"I broke up our friendship."

He sat down on the bed and got under the covers with me. He wrapped his arms around me tightly then asked, "Why would you do that?"

"So we can move forward Geo. Every time we argue, I run to him instead of talking to you about it. If he's not here, I can't do that."

"Babygirl," he said. "I love you."

I turned to him and pecked him. He grabbed my waist but I pulled his hands back up to my ribs. Then I pulled them to my breast. He squeezed them and I moaned softly.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" He asked.

"I kissed you for a reason."

"Okay," he said.

He slipped his tongue in my mouth and I pulled him on top of me. And we ended up having sex. It was so fucking amazing. I think this is the best sex we've had. I felt a passion and love in it that I didn't before. I love Geo so much.

Chapter 53 but low key feel like 75. I start school in like 3 days..rip :(

Word count is 1,296

Ignore all spelling errors

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