example (The Saga pt. 1)

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This is in regards to my last post. I need accurate replies so I'll show you what I mean by innocent.

On a park bench is where she sat, tranquility surrounding her as the warm blanket she prayed it to be. The birds chirping, the geese gawking, the bees buzzing and her humming. She's come for inspiration. There'd be no shame in one labeling herself  a Renaissance Woman, the female equivalent of Renaissance Man. Literature, science, the arts, she's got a knick for it all. Although she lacks the ability to to completely participate in the manners of science as she desires, the girl has still got the other two down, packed solid.

He spots her from the swings and casually strolls over to take a seat beside her on the bench.

"Hi, Elise."

"Hey, Prince," She smiles glancing over at him.

After he'd turned her down on a date, she didn't expect him to still come around so often. Perhaps her gut was right, maybe he does like her but he doesn't like, like her. They can still be friends, of course. Elise had simply figured it was worth the shot. No hard feelings are meant to be harbored in doing so. It can, now, be clearly seen that Prince felt the exact way as she does.

No hard feelings, kiddo.

He points at her clothing. "I like your dress, it's really pretty."

She nods, "Thank you."

"It's kind of like an abstract art. Hey— look, if you look right there," He says pointing at a specific scattering of blue design that sits directly on top of her crotch. "You can see a baby or something." Prince softly snickers to himself with his hand tracing the design. "That's funny." Elise does her best to ignore the tingling sensation over her lower half. He abruptly stops and she is allowed to breathe again. "I only wanted to say hi, I'm leaving now. See you later."

As he stands, Elise hops onto her feet. She reaches out to stop him. "Wait, where're you going?"

"Tommy's Diner, the one on Goodman." He simply shrugs.

His eyes carry the reflection of the water, leaving Elise mesmerized, as well as weak in every limb she possesses. "Can I go?" Elise leans on the bench to keep her standing as she pleads.


Elise asks, "Why not?"

"I don't want you to," he honestly replies.

As much as she'd love to have hurt feelings, she can't be mad at. Prince means no harm, he says whatever comes to his mind and it naturally flows. Elise knows he'd never purposely hurt her feelings. He can't help but say what he thinks of. For this reason, she does not ask why. Elise is completely aware that Prince has a crush on a waitress at Tommy's. Trust and believe, she does not need a reminder. Imagine your puppy not wanting to lay down with because they'd rather play with the new toy you bought. You wouldn't be mad at the puppy— unless you're that emotionally screwed up of a person. Everything Prince does is natural and he carries a unique innocence behind it.

"Okay, I'll see you later." Elise smiles. She sits back down on the bench, allowing her slight disappointment to wash away with a quickness. Prince makes it almost two steps away from the bench when he halts. He thinks over his decision. Taking a leap of faith, Prince turns around and sits back down beside Elise. "I thought you were to Tommy's?"

Prince lets out a exhale. "I was... but–" He let's out another breath, this one is more identical to a sigh than the first. "You're not nearly as pretty as Kim but, you're nice to me and she isn't. I can go get pancakes tomorrow, you know?" Elise simply smiles, her uncontrollable grinning flies right past an oblivious Prince. He stares back at her with a blank expression. Quickly he slides his sleeves up and sticks his forearm out. "Hey, look, my scars healed. See?"

"Yeah," Elise laughs to herself. "I see."

She can see much more than the scars on Prince's arm. She can see the love he carries in his heart.

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