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I was just sitting here thinking... as I always am... You know, clichés are so... basic but, when done right? They turn out really good. The two famous best friends who secretly have feelings for each other and communicate through music, sound familiar?😂😂 The young kid who meets an older Prince and instead fucking her when she turns 18, he takes her under his wing and they spark something in each other that's a nonsexual love and a platonic bond and they change each other— okay, I've never seen that, I don't think. I'll write that down, I love a good short to bring up and not even work on *ba dum tss*.  Damn, two in a row at myself. Anyway, as I was saying, clichés can be really good sometimes.

I feel like if somebody does them right then, it'll all work out well. You know? It's okay to be predictable but, it's about how you use the predictability to build characters or move plot, anybody agree?

Baby Chanel at a tender 21 is so... good. She was almost too good, too right, never really did anything wrong, never said anything wrong, the purest of all hearts, the literal victim in most cases... but, I tried to make up for that by the situations I put her in. Then, I started to cut up some edges but they were too sharp and she got W I L D. Which would cue the late 80s version of her. Eventually, I kept the edges and smoothened them out. I'm only speaking of my character because it's easiest for me too speak from personal experience, you know?

This is really just an unnecessary rant that came to mind. I really mean what I'm saying though. I think people should take the challenge of turning a basic character into a complex being more often. If not, put them in complicated situations and have them make a mistake. You know I'm ALL for a woman breaking a man's heart, ESPECIALLY in fanfiction. I know somebody's broke Prince's heart while he was famous and it makes me giggle because she had to be gooooooood to do something like that to someone like him. Just switch it up, you know? Don't make her have a miscarriage (guilty, I am) or abortion or anything. Maybe she'll give the baby up for adoption or to a family member, maybe it passes as an infant, maybe the tests were wrong, maybe she does have the baby but he leaves... MAYBE she has the baby and SHE leave... HELL, MAYBE THEY BOTH DECIDE TO SPLIT. YOU NEVER KNOW.

Moral of the story is, I am all for taking a cliché and making it into a complicated or well-rounded situation. I'm off now, I'm behind on my updates.

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