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Her headphones blasted the same playlist that she spent almost twenty minutes making for a completely separate project. She's been pushing to balance her actual life with her double life. So far, it has been working better than it has in the past. All she's really trying to do is finish her current project to put it to temporary rest so that she can dive face first into the reincarnation of her most loved couple.

She rocks in her seat with her left hand waving in the air. "I feel for you! I think I loveeeee you," she sings as she types.

"No you don't."

Her head shakes as she continues writing the sentence she has started. "Don't you start that." Her eyes glance in her direction before focusing back on her keyboard. She felt one of his usual looks of judgment and shade being thrown at her, she was exactly right. "Look, I gotta' finish this first. Isn't that what you would want me to do?"

Prince looks her up and down with a hum of disapproval. "It seems that you only do what I want when it benefits you."

"The devil is a lie," she shoots back.

"And you're not a truther." His immediate comeback does not surprise her. It is one of his many infamous traits. They're a little too similar and that's why she loves him and hates him all at once. She knows had she been legal and in direct contact with him during his prime, they'd put every complex plot she'd written about him to absolute shame. They would have killed one another. "If you was being honest, I wouldn't have been blasting Coco Boys last night." He had to use the Jamie Starr voice to let her know it was real. "I don't remember bringing that out of the vault." She looks around the room in shame with a slight giggle of guilt. "You didn't even do The Saga. Did I ever get to pee?"

She sighs and sits up in her bed. Yes, her seat had been her seat the entire time. "P, I'm trying!"

"Try harder!"

"Look who's talking, Mr. I-Abandon-Movies-Like-I-Change-Women! How many albums have you shelved? You act like I'm not working on The Lost Year." Prince crawls into her bed. His legs hang off the edge because he knows, angel or not, the moment his heel touched her sheets, clean or not, she would kill him where he lays. Throughout this all, he's still giving her those looks of disbelief. "I got the concept. Everybody's gonna' find out what happened in 1990. You know, when you and Lyric were having all this sex and lying about it?"

He points in her face, "That's not true." She leans forward, snapping her teeth at his finger. "Watch out now, mama! I bite back."

"I bet you do." They laugh as she points at the lit up screen full of almost one thousand words. That means she is halfway on her current project. "No but really, P, look! I'm gonna' finish this and update Distractions.... maybe, I doubt it– but anyway! I gotta' do The Nelson's Waves editing so I can bring it back in a new format and I have a half of the I'm Yours chapter done even though I hate that book."

Prince adjusts his head in her lap. "If you hate it so much, why even do it?"

"You know why."

He laughs at her desperate attempts to hold on to a feeling that had left a long time ago. He knows the feeling, he can relate. She did what she felt was necessary to keep everything together. Prince has done it too for years on years. The same way she cringes at the thought of his early stages of NPG in the beginning of the nineties, he does too. It explains why he cringes at her continuation of Skipper and Mo's antics no matter how fond of the couple she is.

"Okay," says Prince. "I'm just trying to make sure you're focused. All I see is you writing about that light-eyed hoodlum."

His soft ass wishes he was a hoodlum, she thinks to herself. "I only went over there because this," her hands waves in a figure eight, "Is a hot ass mess. I needed something new while they got their shit together. They still don't and that's why when I came back it was half-assed but after sitting down and thinkinggg and talking to you... I'm ready to go do it the right way. Plus, why not start with Chanel? Everybody knows you two's story and updates will be easy because you two are engraved into my brain. You're my number one priority, Prince!"

He smiles. " 'Oughta girl!" Prince playfully pokes her nose. "This is what I like to hear! Talk dirty to me, suga'!" He is proud of her for actually thinking this one all the way out and making sure her heart and gut agreed before carrying out with the plan. "But I do request a Pheromone and Saga update soon."

"As you wish, my love."

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