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"Coco Boys! Coco Boys!"

The crowd chants repeatedly as the six members take the stage.

Angel looks over at the boys in pure disgust. In her direction, Frankie flashes a fearless grin. He knew he was winning over the crowd with every note he strums. Flashing laser lights twirl around the entire building with the crowds rocking back and forth. Fists high in the air, all that can be heard is screams that constantly are cheering for the six douches on the stage. Yet another grin is shot at Angel, who stands on the side of the stage, by Frankie. By now, he knows for an absolute fact that he's won over the entire building. Left to right, right to left, everybody is cheering for The Coco Boys.

Clutching onto her drumsticks, Angel stares at the side of Frankie's head. "Boy, I could really shove these up his ass right now."

"It's okay," Mikey says placing his hand on her shoulder. As calming as Mikey's tone was, it was not calming enough to keep Angel's anger in her pocket.

"No!" Angel's tone rises over the music from the side of the stage. Her eyes lower, "They ain't nothing but a bunch of titty suckers."

Starr steps up behind the pair. "I told you we need to start going first!"

"You don't think we tried," asks Mikey.

They'd been fighting all weekend for who'd go first for Battle of the Bands. At first, Mikey spoke with Frankie in only the most respectful of manners. When Frankie couldn't stay civil, Angel dropped a few words for him that weren't civil. Then, with Frankie's aunt being in charge of the scheduling, Frankie slithered himself and the Coco Boys to the opening spot. That left Sandra Dee following behind as runner ups for the opening spot. As you can see, none of them are happy about this move.

Frankie laughs into the microphone as the people roar louder and louder. "Oh, please. My ears are bleeding as we speak," grouses Angel. Gitchee groans in agreement. "You know what I'm saying, Gitchee?"

A sudden rush of relaxation jolts through Angel's veins as they exit the stage. She's never been so relieved from witnessing such agonizing torture in her life.

"Enjoy the show, sweetheart?"

All five members of Sandra Dee face The Coco Boys with the roughest of grimaces. Frankie winks at Starr, shoving past Mikey in a dramatically arrogant exit. Angel looks at Mikey, he looks at Tracy. Tracy looks at Starr, who looks at Gitchee. All looks exchanged were practically identical. Everyone knew they had to cream The Coco Boys. The only way to do that is to play like your life depends on it.

Angel growls lowly still fighting her anger. She knew after this, she'll need a fresh pair of drum sticks. In an octave lower than her casual tone, she says to her band, "Let's crush those sons of bitches." As the announcer calls them to the stage, the five members of Sandra Dee can feel themselves zoning out. Winner gets $100 but as you can see, this isn't completely about money. This is more so about proving a point. The Coco Boys had gone as far as planning a whole show. Their two-man horn section came in playing from the entrance and the crowd went berserk.

"Turn the house lights up!" Mikey screams. Suddenly, his calm persona is gone. "Give me the mic," He shouts snatching the microphone off of the stand. After being bumped, his nerves seem to be punctured. This is a slight shock. After all, Mikey is and always has been the peaceful leader. "Let me start my shit!"

Starr interjects talking to the crowd. "I hate a show off, but I know what you like!"

"Turn the house lights up," Angel yells growing irritable. She's ready to play and she wants to play right now. Her sticks glide across the rim as she prepares to going into a full on ride.

You see, being the drummer is probably the most important job in the group. Everybody is counting on her to keep them in time and she's perfectly fine with that. Angel takes pride in being a drummer. She'll go in sick or healthy; happy or sad; dead, or alive. When you are the very first female musician in your family– and a drummer at that– you have no choice but to take pride in your craft. Angel goes all out for them and that's why she was first to dye her hair that ridiculous ass platinum blonde when they all decided that was their move. Eventually, she darkened to a dirty blonde... that fit a little better, not a lot but a little.

Gitchee looks over his shoulder at Angel. She missed the signal to not go into Cosmic Day because her eyes are closed. Have no fear, Mikey's got a back up. Mikey goes into a riff making Angel's eyes pop open. You know what this is? A signal for a completely different song. As she smoothly plays off her mistakes, Tracy shoots her a thumbs up.

Angel's eyes roll with her stick. "Now why the fuck are we playing this?"

Stepping off the stage, she looks at Mikey with irate eyes. Starr sighs as they announce the winner of tonight's winner. "Coco Boys," She sarcastically yells with false enthusiasm.

"I'm sorry, guys..."Angel places her hand on Mikey's shoulder in acceptance of his apology.

"I love you, Mikey, but that wasn't your time to try and pull a Purple Rain. The emotion's weren't high enough, kid." She sighs shoving her sticks into the sides of her boots.

No more words are shared as the band walks down the street to the bridge that crosses over the river. A somber cloud sits over them. When you've been second place to these guys since the very beginning, you'd expect that. The world has came crashing down for them just like any other Sunday. Sandra Dee is tired of losing to Coco Boys. There's no way in hell that the boys are that much greater than Sandra Dee. Continuously, the bands go back over and over for the Coco Boys to keep snatching that one hundred dollars out of Sandra Dee's reach.

Mikey quietly calculates his own mistakes. Maybe he should've let Angel lead them into Cosmic Day. A voice in the back on Mikey's voice told him that it was best to drop the moment to a nice and slow steady groove.

"See you guys," Mikey says when mumbles are the only responses he gets back. All across the entire west is an eerie silence. Stepping into his house, Mikey plainly walks past his drunk uncle who's passed out on the couch. He leans down to turn off the television and sluggishly proceeds to his bedroom. "What'd I do wrong?" Mikey was talking to his wall.

Up on his wall in living color is a gigantic poster of the man himself, Joey Coco. It was suppose to be life-sized, Mikey knows he got ripped off because it's only sixty-two inches. There's no way that Joey Coco is sixty-two inches. Joey Coco was larger than life. He's the man. Hell, if the Coco wanted to be him then everybody else in the world had to want to be him.

Mikey shook head as he removed his shirt from his body. "I wish I was more like you, you know? Hell, I wish I were you!"

He wishes he were him...

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