17 DOP

137 13 4

I had pointed out that I hint to the following era in each 17 Days of Prince post and I'm shocked that everybody was shocked so I'm going to point them out.

Day 1: The Rainbow Children

Mel has never referred to him by a particular name. She's been creating art for his beautiful home for five years, five long years. Mister had showed up at one of her art shows one day. She was fresh out of art school and just getting to really put her brush to paper. It was obvious he had money when he entered. At the time, he had a pixie cut that was much shorter than the way his longer hair fits him now. He wore a large turtle neck and well-fitting dress pants to leave his slender figure hidden, over time she learned why but it'll never be important.

2001 - 5 = 1996... Pixie cuts?....

Day 2: Emancipation

"I was born an Alexander." Darla's a special case. Nelson wanted her to be sober enough to comprehend his every word.

Alexander Nevermind was active roughly 1982-1984.

Day 3: Controversy

Alexander's head nods. His hands play with his scarf. "Yeah, it's gonna' be lonely," he sighs. He stares at Pamela, thinking of what kind of person she could possibly be.

It's Gonna Be Lonely, my favorite song off of Prince (1979).

Day 4: Prince

He picks up the picture of his possible ex-girlfriend and stares at it for a moment. "Oh, Sarah, honey, where are you?"

A twist of a song by the name of Sarah from the album The Vault: Old Friends 4 Sale. The line, "Oh, Sarah, honey, is that you?".

Day 5: The Vault

You guys gotta catch up😭

Purple PondersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang