The Saga Pt. 15

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She'd cooled off by now.

Her record sat on her kitchen counter. It was still sealed with the pricing tag on it. Her focus was on her canvas before her at the kitchen table as she continued to paint his face in the multiple shades of emotion she'd feel whenever he came to mind. Today, the colors were not colors, but hues. Grays, blacks, and whites. They all represent the clouded thoughts that'd arise at the simple thought of his name. Sometimes she'd say it as she mixed paints. She'd say it for no reason.


She thought of him like the boogeyman. If you say his name too many times, he bound to pop up. And right now, Elise would prefer to be alone. She does not want to be bothered by anybody. Of course, the world does not care. And this is she hears what she hears.

Ding Dong!

Sighing as she rises from her seating, Elise does not dare bother to check question who it is. It is evident when she still does not care when she fails to check the peep hole after shuffling across the room to the door. She opens it to come face to face with a panicking Prince and Owen's cat, who looks to be lying on his death bed.

"Oh, Dear, God! Prince, what the hell have you done to this baby?!"

Stuttering, Prince's mind races a mile a minute. "I— I gave him some firehouse Chili to show Kim how much he likes it."

"Prince, I told you stop giving that cat table food! You probably killed the poor thing!"

Elise takes the cat from his arms and Prince's hands latch up on his afro, squeezing handfuls of hair that he ready to pull out. "Don't say that! Don't jinx him! Owen would annihilate me, Elise! Tell me he'll be okay!"

"Well, gee, Prince! I'd maybe have a way to if you didn't keep feeding him fucking chili," hollers Elise. "This is not my doing!"

Prince's protests, "He likes it!"

"And I love the way gasoline smells! You don't see me at the fucking gas station filling up my cup, do you?!"



As he begins to pace around the room, Prince's grip on his hair grows tighter. He anxiously orders, "Stop making me feel bad!"

"You should! You probably killed Own's cat!!"

"Did not!" He retorts.

She yells, "Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Shut the fuck up and get me the yellow pages before this beautiful creature explodes in my arms!"

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