Chapter One

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Erika just woke up from a nap and goes down the stairs and sees jake in the kitchen he seems upset. Do i ask him what's  wrong or just continue on?? 

Erika- Hey Jake. What's up
Jake- Not much, bout to go to the office and edit my video.  What about you? 
Erika- oh nothing just woke up from a nap!!
Jake's Pov. Wow shes even more beautiful when she wakes up from a nap.
Erika- Jake Jake Jake! 
Jake- yeah,  What's up?
Erika- you okay you seem a little off today?
Jake- im just a little stressed that's all. I'll be fine.
Erika Pov. Jake has never been this Out of it. I wonder if Something else is wrong.
Erika- well take a deep breath And  breathe. (Erika hugs him tight)
Jake- Thanks Erika i needed that!!  🤗
Erika- okay, well I'll let you get to work you need me umm just text me okay.
Jake- okay thanks again.
Erika- no problem

Pass to Night time

Erika decided to go talk to tessa about what happened earlier with Jake.
Erika- hey pickle
Tessa- hey E
Erika- so i need to talk to you about Something.
Tessa- okay What's up?
Erika- jake, He's not himself when im around him or talk to him.
Tessa- well i mean E he has a major crush on you for a long time.
Erika- true,  but i dont want Anything to change if Something did happen between us. You remember my past.
Erika Pov. I think i love Jake but i dont wanna ruin something great that we have.
Tessa- i know you dont but you have to do Something.  Jake is down in the office probably thinking the same thing.  But He's probably willing to take that chance.  But the real question is are you willing to take that chance??

Tessa Pov. I know Erika and she is head over hills for that boy.  She just dont wanna get hurt. Shes had a rough couple months... ( erikas ex cheated on her and raped her.) 

What will Erika do?  Will she talk to jake or just go on about her day like nothing happened.

One more thing. Im back. I've been on vacation and then i turned around and got sick. But im getting better. Chapters will be coming sooner.   I haven't forgot about y'all.  Okay tata for now.  Crystal

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