Ninety Seven

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Today's Chapter::

Jake and Logan continued talking while faith went and talk to Erika (her mom) 

Faith- hi
Erika- hi, I missed you
Faith- I missed you too
Erika- did you?
Faith- mom listen I'm a daddy's girl that is why I stay with him moat of the time. Yes I know your my mom and everything. But you left me when I was young and I've always trusted daddy with my life so there for I'm a daddy girl always have and always will be. Me and you barley have a relationship and that hurts so much but it is what it is. And I see your still pregnant and yeah that's where most of my dads attention will be and that's okay. I'm 21 years old I'm going to have to let that stuff go. But you are my mom and I have to get used that. I mean Im just scared mom okay.
Erika- scared of what darling. I'm here to stay. I'm not going to leave again at all.  Yeah I've messed up but that's in the past. I here and I'm going to see both my kids all three of my kids grow up into something amazing.
Faith- mom please don't leave again
Erika- never baby never
Faith- promise. Last time it hurt really bad.
Erika- I promise

They got done talking and Jake walked over to them and talking to them now.

Jake- hey girls y'all ready.
E&F- yeah we are
Jake- let's go.

They got in the car and left to go back home.

Faith- where we going
Jake- home
Faith- oh okay
Jake- Is that okay
Faith- hmm yeah yeah
Jake- do you need Anything
Faith- yeah my cloths
Jake- where are they
Faith- hotel
Jake- okay

Dad don't know what happened and I warn him before we go.

Faith- dad there is something you will need to know
Jake- what's that
Faith- I thought I was gay but I'm not i dated a girl and we umm did the nasty and we got into an argument cause she tried to kill me and and so uncle Logan come with me to get some cloths and well we told her to go and never touch or talk to me again and she hasn't. I need you to go in with me just incase she is still there. Please.
Jake- of course I will go in there with you.
Faith- okay good.

Couple minutes later they got to the hotel and got Faith stuff and left again. They went to the house when faith had mixed emotions about the house...

They got to the house when faith blurted out something.

Faith- oh god I don't think I can do it dad.

Jake thinking::
Oh god she talking to me. Logan said if she needed me there for her so I will. Here goes Nothing

Jake- do what sweetheart
Faith- go in there
Jake- why is that
Faith-i hurt you and mama and I just don't want to be at this house.
Jake- I understand that but I don't wanna move again.
Faith- I know it wouldn't be fair. I would have to get used to it.
Jake- true. So will you
Faith- I can try
Jake- thanks swe-------

Faith interrupt Jake

Faith- please don't call me that
Jake- call you what?
Faith- sweetheart
Faith- I am not little anymore dad
Jake- I know. I guess it's something I have to get used to. 
Faith- right

Couple minutes later they went out to eat. They ate. Got some fryo. (((I don't really know why I put it in a sentence like that ↑↑↑↑↑))) Then went back home and they went separate ways after telling each other good night.

Each other-  good night love you
Faith- night love you to...

They went to sleep with smiles on there face expect for Faith. She was confused on how she felt about things. 

I'm stopping here. Stay tune for tomorrow story.... 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

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