Twenty Nine

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Jake and Erika got into a little argument this morning and Erika left and left Faith with Jake cause she didn't want to go. So jake and Faith are going to go get ice cream now at fryo...



                                                                  Today's Chapter:::

Erika went and stayed at a hotel but she didn't want to stay there anymore so she booked a ticket to Nashville so she could see family and be away from family.

Jake Pov.

Jake couldn't get ahold of Erika so he went over to the T10 house to ask Tessa if she has heard from her.

Jake- Logan? You home?

Logan- who little bro, whats up?

Jake- I was wondering if you or Tessa has heard from Erika?

Logan- no we have not.

Jake- okay thanks

Jake and Faith just stayed home playing around the house and just being with Faith is what he loved the most.


Faith- daddy

Jake- yes baby

Faith- When is mommy coming home

Jake- idk baby

Faith- I want mommy daddy

Jake- I know I do to

Faith- can we call her

Jake- of course

Jake called Erika but she didn't answer so he let Faith leave a voicemail for her to hear


Mommy me Faith I miss you, mommy. when you come home? I want you home. Daddy is sad when you're not here. Come home mommy. I love you

Erika heard the voicemail that Faith left but didn't respond but she did say

Erika- I love you too baby girl *to herself*

Erika Pov.

Jake had been calling me non stop and I miss him I do but im okay, I am I think. I honestly don't know what's happening to me. I miss them so fucken much. Im so fucked in the head I don't know what to do. Yes, I ran away from my family and I regret it so much. I just wish that I had a better life, I wish I had friends that cared for me and helped me and all I get is a "fuck you". That's what I always do is run away from my problems and I really need to stop. I think I should stay the weekend here and then go back.

2 Years later

Erika is doing better and she's fixing to hop on a plane now to go back to Jake and Faith she's really excited to see them it's been 2 years since she last seen them.

Jake's House...

Jake is doing good, him and Faith both. He has no clue when Erika is coming back. Faith is now 7 years old now. She's been asking when her mother is coming back almost every day. She misses her. Right now Jake is over at the Team 10 house talking to Logan on the couch Faith is upstairs with her aunt Tessa when all the sudden they hear a knock on the door Logan gets up and gets it.

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