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Jake and Erika went to the doctor and he told her that...


Today's Chapter:::

Doctor- Costell

Erika- coming

They got to the room and doctor checked her over and then the doctor told her that she.....

Doctor- Mrs. Costell the reason why your bleeding is cause you were pregnant but you lost it

Erika- im sorry what'

Doctor- you lost the baby

Erika- this is my second child that I have lost. Why am I losing my kids

Doctor- well have you been stressed lately?

Erika- yes I have

Doctor- that can cause a miscarriage

Erika- omg Jake

Jake- its okay baby

Erika- It's not okay though Jake

Jake- I didn't mean it that way.

Erika- I know I just wanna go home

Jake- sure

They drove home and Erika went to the extra bedroom and shut and locked the door. Jake went up to his and locked the door also... Logan came down to see what was happening but nobody was in sight.

Logan- hello anybody home

Logan heard crying but didn't know who from so he went to put his ear up to the spare bedroom and listen and somebody was in there. He ran upstairs into Jake's room and heard him crying too so then he thought

Logan thinking::

Jake and Erika must be in a fight or they wouldn't be crying.

Jake walked down the stairs and see Logan he then started to turn up the stairway back to his bedroom Logan grabbed his wrist and Jake then looked at Jake he had red puffy eyes

Logan- you good bro

Jake- peachy why

Logan- cause bro you have puffy red eyes and you were crying and so is Erika. What happened

Jake- that's not my place that's Erika's place to tell you.

Logan- Okay but she's crying

Jake- im aware.

Logan- what did you do bro

Jake- I didn't do anything I don't think.

Logan- you don't think?

Jake- that's what I said

Logan- okay fine be that way

As Logan was walking away Jake blurted out

Jake- Erika had a miscarriage, Logan. You happy

Logan- why would I be happy that she had that

Jake- cause you kept asking me

Logan- im o sorry man

Jake- yeah

Logan- Go back up to your bedroom and I will keep an eye out for Erika coming through here.

Jake- thanks, bro.

Logan- anytime.

Jake went upstairs and looked at the guest bedroom halfway up the stairs and just looked at the door hoping Erika would come out but nothing.

Erika Thinking:::

I wish Jake was here with me. I mean he is here but not in the same room. I couldnt pick up the phone I couldnt yell I couldnt do anything I couldnt move my legs it was like I was stuck in one spot.

Let's skip to Jake's Thinking...

Jake Thinking:::

I wish I never got her pregnant and this wouldn't be happening. I need to be with her and support her. I honestly don't know why im up here and not down there. I think im going to go down there and see if she opens the door for me.

Jake got off of his bed and went down the stairs and started knocking...

Erika heard a knock on her door and...

Erika- who is it

Jake- it Jake

Erika- go away, please

Jake- no I cant do that

Erika- please Jake

Jake- nope not at all. Im going to be here till I see you open this door.

Erika got up and opened the door for Jake. She got freaked out and ran to the corner and sat there in a ball. Jake got into the room and started moving slowly to her and hug her really tight.

Jake- Erika I miss you

Erika- Jake...

Jake- I know I shouldn't have said that

Erika- no Jake, I miss you too.

Jake- I love you.

Erika- I love you too.

Jake- are you ready to go back home

Erika- home?

Jake- yes home

Erika- I am home, Jake. 

I will contuie tomorrow im so tired. Good night and thanks for 3k reads i LOVE YALL. 

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