Chapter Eighteen

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Hi guys....

Tessa kissed Logan and now she feels something for him but she dont know what to do..

Tessa Pov. 
I have no clue in the world why I did that. Do I like Logan like that? My head is killing me. I need to get home.

Tessa- erika.... I don't feel so good.  I need to go home.  
Erika- okay lets go b
Tessa- you sure? 
Erika- yes I'm sure. Let's go.  You need to lay down. 

Erika and Tessa head back home.

30 minutes later they arrive at the t10 house where logan was still there sitting on the couch with jake.

Erika- jake, I'm back
Jake- okay *looks over at erika*what's going on?  Is she okay? 
Erika- I think so. She just needs to lay down for a few.
Logan- I got her erika. Let me do this please!? I need too. 
Erika- yeah okay.  Just please be safe with her. I need her safe. I'm depending on you Alexander.
Logan- got it mikey
Erika- you told him.
Jake- sorry babe. Lol
Erika- its okay I still love you
Jake- so what did you get?
Erika-nothing actually, Tessa wanted to talk about what happened between her and Logan over fryo and then she said that she didn't feel good. So I brought her home. 
Jake- oh
Erika- why
Jake- I was just wondering sweetheart
Erika- okay?

Erika went to go check on Tessa and when she got up there to her room she saw logan holding her in his arm's. Watching her sleep.  Just to make sure she is okay.  it was cute. 

Jake Pov..
I couldn't find erika anywhere. So I called out for her.

Jake- Erika! Erika! Omg where you at *tears forming in his eyes* ERIKA!!! 

Erika Pov.
I heard jake yelling really loud. Idk what's going on with him tbh.
Erika- jake babe we are right here babe its okay.
Jake- omg you scared me.
Erika- how I was literally just with you I was checking in on Tessa and Logan.
Jake- I'm sorry. I can't lose you or the baby...
Erika- your not going to chill babe.

(Guys I realized I haven't talked about a baby shower or anything like that yet.  But I will just not this chapter)

Jake- You just don't understand how scary it is to lose you...
Erika- I know babe. I'm here okay. I'm not going to leave. I'm here to stay you know that.
Jake- marry me
Erika- what did you just say?  *tears in her eyes*
Jake- *turns to face erika* I said marry me
Erika- jake....
Jake- erika,  your an amazing person and I can't see myself with anyone else and I need you. You make me better.  You make me a better person then I am. You make my heart happy. Your just my everything. Both of y'all *touches her belly*
Erika- yes
Jake-  yes? 
Erika- yes
Jake- omg she said yes. Wait I don't have a ring considering I just said that out of nowhere.
Erika- its okay. We will get one later.

Let's Check in Tessa and logan.

Tessa starts to wake up and feels a strong pair of arms Around her. She looks over her should and sees

Tessa- logan omg you scared me.
Logan- I'm sorry. I just wanted to see if your okay. I'm going to go now okay. I'll see you later..

Logan got up off the bed and started to walk out

Tessa- don't leave..  Please
Logan- you sure? 
Tessa- yeah. I need you logan. I want you.
Logan-what did you say?
Tessa- I need you and want you?
Logan- *jumps on top of Tessa gently* I need and want you too Tessa.
Tessa- really?
Logan -  tess.  I've always liked you but  you was with chance. 
Tessa- yeah big mistake.
Logan-whys  that?
Tessa- he cheated in me logan.
Logan- I'm so sorry beautiful. You don't deserve that!
Tessa- beautiful?  I love that.

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