Chapter three

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(I'm going to start where I lefted off in chapter two.)

Erika Pov. Jake thinks he did something wrong but he didn't. I think I should tell him what happened.

Erika- no you didn't do anything wrong. It's just...
Erika had tears rolling down her face. Jake notice and pulled Erika into hug.
Jake- Erika if you don't wanna tell me that's okay. You can tell me when your ready to tell me okay.
Erika- thanks Jake. I need to umm go talk to Tessa I kinda went off on her this afternoon when I woke up.
Jake- why ?
Erika- cause I got up and started yelling for you and I thought you was home but you wasn't and Tessa came out and said you wasn't home and I yelled at her.
Jake- okay well I'm here & you go talk to her okay.
Erika- thanks Jake.

Erika went to Tessa's bedroom and she was on her bed listen to music.

Erika- Tessa! Tessa! Tessaaaa!
Tessa- what now. You come back to yell at me more.
Erika- no I didn't and about that. I'm super sorry I didn't mean to yell at you. I was just needed to talk to Jake.
Tessa- I understand. I forgive you,  but Erika I'm your Bestfriend I just wanted to know about what.
Erika- well I told him I was in love with him and he kissed me and I told him to stop...
Erika told Tessa what went down between her and Jake when Erika was in his room.
Tessa-  awe well I'm glad you got that out. But sooner or later your going to have to tell him what happened you know that right?
Erika- yeah I know but I don't want to yet. I just want everything to go back to what it was. But I love Jake. Jake is everything to me. He makes me happy, he's so hot, he's sweet, he cares he's everything to me. I feel safe with him.

Jake's Pov. Erika went to Tessa's room and and they lefted the door open so as I was walking by I heard them talking and what Erika said it was the most sweetest thing. God I love that girl. I need to tell her.

Tessa-  awe Erika that's so sweet. Y'all would be so cute together. Omg jerika.
Erika- what are you talking about.
Tessa- y'all ship name if y'all ever did get together.
Erika- oh well I'm hoping we do get together. I need him.
Tessa- it will happen. I have a feeling.

Later that night t10 was getting ready to go to bed.

Jake- well I'm going to sleep goodnight t10
T10- night Jake
Erika- night Jake (erika looked at Jake and winked at him)
Jake- night Erika (Jake winks back)

Erika-Well guys I'm going to go to bed too. Night guys
T10- night Erika

Few hours later Erika dosed off to sleep.
Erika Pov. I was having very bad nightmares of what happened with my ex. I woke up in the middle of my sleep crying and sweating. I needed to feel safe so I got up and went up stairs to Jake's room still crying. I walk into Jake's room and he hears me cry

Jake- Erika is that you
Erika-y..y..yes s...orry I woke you up but I need you Jake.
Jake- okay come here (pats the bed)
Erika walks over from the door frame and sits down where Jake was patting the bed
Erika- Jake I'm scared
Jake- what's wrong beautiful
Erika- Jake its time for me to tell you.
Jake- okay?
Erika- my ex matt (just a name) well when we was together he treated me bad he would beat on me he would even r...r...r...ape me and stuff. Jake I'm scared. Like really scared. I don't wanna die Jake. He's a dangerous person.
Jake- okay. Hey.. hey it's okay bab.. I mean Erika it's okay. I promise. I'll protect you.

Erika Pov. Jake almost just called me babe. If he did I wouldn't mind. Has a nice ring to it.

Erika- Jake
Jake- Erika
Erika- I.... love... you so much.
Jake- i love you too Erika.
Erika- do you really or are you just saying that cause I said it.
Jake- I didn't say that cause you said it. I said it cause I mean it Erika. I do.
Erika- awe Jake.
Jake- Erika
Erika- yes Jake
Jake- do you wanna go on a date with me tomorrow ?
Jake's Pov. Please say yes please say yes
Erika- yes i would love to Jakey

After that they went to sleep with Erika cuddled up against Jake.

Okay guys that's all for the night. I'll write one probably tomorrow idk yet. Night. I love y'all ! 😃🤘🏼🐐

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