Chapter Fourteen

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Lefted off from other chapter.


It was Alissa she was walking towards us while we was enjoying our ice cream.

Alissa- well well hello
Erika- what the fuck you want ?
Alissa- Jake
Erika- well guess what bitch your not getting him he's mine. So back the fuck off.
Jake- whoa babe slow down calm down. Your pregnant. Calm down.
Erika- know what Jake you can have her if you want her.
Jake- what you talking about Erika. I don't want her I want you. You only nobody else. What's going on??
Erika- I'm just so tired of every fuckin body killing my vibe especially when I'm freakin happy.
Jake- Tessa
Tessa- yes
Jake- take her home please. And I'll be there in a few.
Erika- why do you can go fuck her ?
Jake- Tessa now please.
Erika- no Tessa you stay and I will go by myself. Okay ?
Jake- Erika idk what crawled up your butt. You better pull it out. I'm not doing nothing with Alissa.  We will talk about this later when there is no freaking crowd.
Erika- don't worry I won't be there.
Tessa- Erika come on
Erika- no Tessa. I will go by myself. Thanks though.

Erika Pov.
Idk what took over me but I just needed to get out of there. I think Alissa triggered my emotions or something idk.

Erika started walking home alone. She wanted to be by herself and she got that. She went home and got some cloths and lefted.

Jake Pov.
What the hell is going on ? One minute we were having ice cream and then the next she flipped. I need to go get some stuff then I will go see what's up with her. I hope she will be home.

Erika got to the hotel and signed in but she didn't know that Alissa was there but she singed in as Jake Paul. Erika walked into the hotel and she opened the door.

Erika- Jake I thought you would never co-

Erika got cut off my Alissa slapping her in the face.

Erika- what the fuck bitch. What is your problem?
Alissa- you are my problem. So here is how this is going to work. I'm going to tie you up and let's see kill you so I can have Jake back.
Erika- okay listen Alissa...
Alissa- No you listen I will always always love Jake no matter what and I will hurt who ever gets in my way. Believe that. And that someone has to be you so...
Erika- Alissa stop. If you want Jake take him. God. It's simple okay.
Alissa- nothing is simple these days
Erika- well this can be okay. *cries*
Alissa- what so now your going to cry your way out of this ?
Erika- no I'm not. But I am pregnant with Jake's baby so before you kill me make a decision okay.
Alissa- your what ? Did you just say pregnant?
Erika- yes Alissa I am pregnant.
Alissa- so I'm going to kill 2 people. Wow.
Erika- Alissa please don't. You can have Jake okay. I will text him now and tell him it's over.
Alissa- you would do that just to save your baby ?
Erika- yes I would. This baby deserves the world and I will give it to him/her

Erika took out her phone. And texted Jake.

Text between Jake

Jake- what you mean ?

Erika turned on her location so jake could find out where she was at. He knew something was wrong cause she wrote in all caps.

Jake Pov.
There is something going on with Erika and I need to know where she is. She's a smart girl she turned in her location so I could find her. She's smart.

Guys I'm going to stop right here and I will continue this in the next chapter. Night guys. 🌹

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