Seventy Four

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Hey, guys its been a minute since ive been in here. I hope everyone is well... Let's get into the story...

So sorry if this is short also...



Erika and Faith Made up and now they are going shopping for breakfast. 


Today's Chapter::

  Jake and Jax are sitting on the couch when the doorbell rings.... ((remeber there still on there trip in a big house)) Jax got up and opened the door. Who he saw was not the person he wanted to see...


Jake- Jax what is wrong

Jax- Just come fast

Jake- okay... 

Jake got to the door and seen...

Jake- what is goi... What are you doing here?

Unkown- I came back for my family. 

Jake- we are not your family anymore

Unkown- yes yall are

Jake- no we are not. What happened in Miami was a mistake. 

Crystal- No it wasn't. Yall helped me with a lot of stuff and yall took me in

Jake- well your not coming back. You have hurt us so many times and im not doing that again. 

Crystal- no I won't please Jake

Jake- Im sorry Crystal no I can't do that

Crystal- why is that

Jake- again you have hurt my family you made me push my daughter away and she hated me and now we are in a right place right now and you're not going to come back in and ruin that. Now I would like for you to get out of my house, please. 

Crystal- cant do that

Jake- Jax I need you to call the police and tell them that there is a maniac in my house and she won't leave...

Jax- okay... 

Crystal- No no no no no I will leave but I will be back. 

Jake- I guess we will see about that won't we. 

Crystal walked out the door and when she did Faith and Erika was walking down the hallway and Jake was standing at the door watching them.

Jake walked out and said...

Jake- I suggest you continue walking and leave my family alone. 

Crystal- *Laughs*

Jake- you won't be laughing soon trust me on that. 

Crystal- whatever

Crystal walked away and Jake and Erika and Faith walked into the house. Erika was really curious about why she was here. 

Erika- what was she doing here

Jake- she wanted back in the family.

Erika- and you said what

Jake- well I mean she isn't here so I guess I told her no

Erika- smarty pants 

Jake- I know but you love me anyway. 

Erika- I do. 

They kiss and the kids eww them

Jax- Mom hello mom

Erika- umm sorry what up babe

Jax- we are hungry

Erika- okay give me a minute let me put this away

Jax- okay. 

Jax and Faith walked into the living room and sat there talking. 

Faith- im so glad dad and mom are back together. 

Jax- me too

Faith- it's different

Jax- how so

Faith- I feel like they got closer

Jax- I do too. I love them like this

Faith- me too. I love it here. 

Jax- me too. I wish I lived here

Faith- same

Jax- We should ask mom and dad if we could move here get away from everything.

Faith- im down. 

Jax- okay after breakfast

Faith- okay. 

The kids were talking when Erika called for them... 

Erika- Kids come on let's eat. 

Kids- coming

They got the kitchen and sat down and started eating and when they were done they all sat on the couch until Faith spoke up

Faith- guys we have something to ask

Erika- okay what is it, babe

Faith- we wanna live here

Jake- im sorry

Jax- dad we want to live here in Bora Bora

Erika- I mean it's up to your dad

Faith- dad, please. 

Jake- If we all live here then we would need yall help on the bills and stuff these houses aren't cheap. 

F&J- We know

Jake- let me and mom talk about it okay.

Kids- okay

Im going to stop here... I will post tomorrow. Good night... 

JERIKA (ALoveStory) Where stories live. Discover now