Twenty One

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Recap from yesterday

Jake and Erika go into an argument, logan and Tessa got their feelings out for each other. There madly in love like Jake and Erika

I might add a little of what happened to Jake and Erika in this one cause I just realized that I did not put what happened between them the next morning.


Todays Chapter...

*This is where I put what happened between Jake and Erika, Then the rest of the chapter will be different.*

Jake and Erika woke up the next morning *well Jake was at the door waiting for her* Erika didn't know that Jake was at the door and she swung it open and Jake fell at her feet and then his eyes opened and he said...

Jake- Ow

Erika- What are you even doing at my door in the first place Jake

Jake- I actually slept here.

Erika- why?

Jake- cause I felt bad about yesterday and I didn't like the way we ended the night.

Erika- What about last night

Jake- Erika I hurt you again. I always hurt you and I hate it. I really do. I didn't mean to hurt you again. you slept in here in a different room then I and I hate when we argue and fight. When going to bed I want you next to me. I don't want you next to me I need you next to me.

Erika- JAKE! *Yelled to make him shut up* I understand but I needed some time to myself to think.

Jake- you're breaking up with me. Great, i fuck everything up. *got up and walked away*

Erika- Jake Joseph Paul

Jake- What Erika

Erika- I'm not breaking up with you for one. Two your my everything I cant do that to you. Okay?

Jake- Your not?

Erika- why would I break up with you jake. you didn't do anything.

Jake- are you sure?

Erika- I'm positive Jake

Jake ran and hugged Erika and spun her around Tessa came out of the room and just looked at us like we were stupid.

Tessa- What is going on out here?

Jake- shes not mad at me anymore Tessa. Thank you

Tessa- Thank you? why thank you?

Jake- I just needed to tell you thank you for everything you have done before Erika came along. You helped me with everything and I appreciate it too.

Tessa- Your welcome I guess.

They walked into the living room and saw everyone sitting there and now its time for jake and Erika to tell the rest of t10 the news.

Jake- we have something we need to tell yall and it's very important too.

T10- okay whats up?

Jake- Me and erika are


Nick- you're what?

Tony-- Getting married did you not listen he told you this was important to us and you needed to listen.

Nick- yeah I got that tony thanks.

Tony- well there happy nick why can't you get that.

(nick was not too fond of Jerika)

JERIKA (ALoveStory) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora