Chapter Nine

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Start off from last chapter.

Erika walked down the last step seeing someone who she really didn't wanna see and that someone was MATT Erika's ex boyfriend. He rapped her and abused her any everything. Nobody knew what happened so they let him in.

Erika Pov.
So again nigh knew what happened between me and him so they let him. Actually no how did he find me in the first place. Anyways back to reality I just stopped and stared at him like I didn't know what to do. I started to go back up the stairs and he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

Matt- where are you going miss thing
Erika- back up stairs to my boyfriend away from you.
Matt- your boyfriend ? Jake ?
Erika- yeah that him now let me go. JAKEEE! Jakeee

Jake Pov. I woke up with someone yelling my name and I looked over and i seen Erika wasn't there so I get out of bed and look for her.
Jake- Erika! Erika! Omg erika

Jake then saw her at the bottom of the stairs and said...

Erika- omg Jake Jake (saying as tears are going down her face)
Jake- Erika who is this and why does he have your arm ? And why are you crying ?
Erika- remember when I told you that my Ex boyfriend r.r.r. Rapped me and abused me well this is him and he won't let go of me.
Jake- dude let go of my girlfriend please.

Chance then walked up behind him and hit him in the head. (Everyone was around as everything was going on too)

Chance- he said let go of her
Jake- omg Erika come here.
Erika- Jake omg wh..wha... what ... why does this happen to me for ? I can't take this no more Jake I can't.

Erika got up and lefted and ran outside... Jake stayed and took a deep breathe and then ran after her.

(Suicide thoughts)
Erika ran outside and stood in the middle of the road and there was a car going super fast and Jake was heading outside.

Erika- I can't do this anymore. I can't.
Jake- Erika please don't.
Erika - why shouldn't I nobody cares for me
Jake- you know that is a lie I care about you hell I need you. Please Erika come over here now.
Erika- Jake I can't. Just know I love you.
Jake- damnit Erika.

Jake runs out in the middle of the road and saves Erika. Jake hugs are super tight and don't let go.

Jake- DONT EVER DO THAT AGAIN OKAY. I need you more then you will ever need me okay.
Erika- Jake I'm really sorry. Idk if I can do this Jake. I can't.
Jake- do what ?
Erika- this ?
Jake- you mean us ?
Erika- no, I mean everything going in around me. Ex boyfriend, bestfriend worrying about me and everything else. I need help Jake. I just tried to do suicide
Jake- okay let me help you okay.
Erika- okay.

Erika Pov. Jake is the sweetest person ever. He does care and I need him as much too. I love this man.

Jake took Erika inside and her ex boyfriend was still there. Chance and tony was watching him while Jake was outside.

Chance- yo Erika you want us to call the police?
Erika- yes, but before you do this I need to do something first.
Chance- okay.

Erika went over and slapped him in the face. And said...
Erika- if you ever I mean ever touch me again. I will kill you. That's not a threat that is a promise. I'm tired of you touching me inappropriately and me not being able to do anything bout it. Well that's changing. DONT EVER COME BACK HERE WHEN YOU GET OUT.

Jake Pov.
Wow my girlfriend is hot when she fights.

Erika Pov.
They took matt to jail and now that he's gone. I'm going to go back to my normal day and starting off by eating I'm hungry.

Jake- hey babe you okay ?
Erika- you know what I'm actually more then okay. I'm happy cause matt is in jail. I don't have to worry about him and you know maybe you can have your space now and I can stop acting out and acting dramatic.
Jake- well in glad babe *kisses Erika in the check*!
Erika- thanks babe

Couple hours have pasted and it's night time.

Wow, it's already dark Jake and Erika are up stairs doing god knows what. And we'll t10 is out and about.

Erika- hey babe I'm tired. I think I'm going to go to sleep. It's been a long day seriously.
Jake- okay babe. I'm going to get in the shower first then I will be there.

Jake got in the shower. Did his business then got out and saw how peaceful Erika was sleeping.
Jake- god damn my baby girl is beautiful.
Erika- I heard that. *erika laughs* and thanks babe. Come get in bed now.
Jake- babe I'm naked
Erika- well just put boxers on and get in bed. I need my sexy boyfriend please.
Jake- okay hang on.
Jake claimed into bed next to Erika and Erika cuddled up next to Jake's warm chest and kissed it and said..
Erika- Jake I love you so much and i can't wait to marry you babe. Good night handsome.
Jake- I can't wait either. I love you too babe good night beautiful

With that they went to bed cuddled up.

Guys, I know some people go through a hard time in life. But I need you to know that suicide is never the answer to anything. Don't take that opinion okay. Your better then what people see you as. Be you. Be bright. Be bold. I love each and everyone of you. Stay strong and smile even when it's hard. ❤️❤️
                                               Crystal 😀

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