Chapter Ten

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Guys I'm back & stronger the chapters will get better I'm just now getting the hang of this and yeah. So let's start the chapter... here we go 👏🏻


Jake&Erika was still asleep here it is almost 1:00pm and Erika has a meeting at 2:00pm to get too. Jake rolled over and realized that Erika was still in bed and then it popped in his head that she has a meeting at 2:00pm.

Jake: Erika wake up its almost 2:00
Jake- Erika come on babe wake your booty up. Come on.

Jake Pov.
Okay so that didn't work guess I will have to jump on the bed.

Jake- ERIKA ERIKA ERIKA ERIKA ERIKA *while jumping on the bed*
Erika- what the guck do you want Jake ?
Jake- excuse me miss thing but you have a meeting to get to at 2:00 so get your ass up and get ready now.
Erika- mmm baby that was hot
Jake- not right now. Now go get dressed

Erika started kissing Jake's neck and Jake didn't want to right cause she was going to be late for her meeting.

Jake- don't make me go get Tessa no go babe. Wasn't this a important meeting ?
Erika- yeah it is it's about modeling.
Jake- well then I guess you will have to go then huh ?
Erika- shut up dork.
Jake- *gives her a kiss* yeah your dork. I love you !
Erika- love you too ❤️

Erika got out of bed and went to take a shower. Jake got out of bed and went down stairs to cook her some breakfast while she's in the shower.

10 Minutes later Erika gets out of the shower.
Erika Pov.
I got out of the shower and Jake wasn't there. I wasn't freaking out or anything. I just hoped he was there but he wasn't it's okay though. I don't need him. Well I do but not around me right now. Matt's in jail I'm not scared anymore. I'll be okay. I got this.

Erika got dressed and walked down stairs. She has to be at the meeting in 30 minutes

Erika- damnit damnit damnit Jake
Jake- what ?
Erika- you make me late for everything. Ugh
Jake- I didn't do this you did. You didn't set a alarm so I had to be your alarm and you didn't wake up when I was trying to get you up. SO DONT BLAME SHIT ON ME.
Erika- I'm playing. I'm leaving now. Bye.

Erika lefted without giving Jake a kiss. She was mad at Jake for raising his voice at her.

Erika Pov.
Idk what his problem is but it better be fixed before I get home. I will leave if it isn't.

Erika got to her meeting on time. But she was still pissed at Jake from this afternoon.

Jake Pov.
What the hell took over me ? Omg. Erika must be really pissed. I gotta fix this. I think I'm going to propose to her soon. I think we are both ready. Maybe. I think I better ask Tessa huh ?

Jake walked up to Tessa door and knocked.
Tessa- who is it ?
Jake- it's me Jake
Tessa- what you want bro ?
Jake- I need to talk to you it's very important Tessa like really.
Tessa- come in then ding dong.
Jake- okay well.
Tessa- what do you need Jake ?
Jake- do you think I should to propose to Erika soon ?
Tessa- I mean if you think y'all are ready then yeah if not then don't rush it okay.
Jake- that's not helping.
Tessa- what do you want me to do Jake.
Jake- I just want to know that when I do it she won't say "no"
Tessa- it's always going to be a yes Jake you should know that. Erika loves you and only you. She deserves the best and to her you are the best so what you think is best for her then do it.
Jake- thanks Tessa. That's what I was looking for.
Tessa- welcome Jake now get out please.
Jake- geez okay. Haha

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