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Enjoy this chapter loves :)



Today's Chapter::

It was a long day so for super Erika made everyone a peanut butter sandwich, but Faith didn't want that she wanted something else.

Erika- Guys I made yall something to eat

Tessa- what did you make so fast

Erika- well you see *laughs* I made you some peanut butter sandwich.

Tessa- oh lord.

Erika- listen im so tired okay. Just eat them and tomorrow we will go out tomorrow to eat before we take the kids to Nashville.

Tessa- Im sorry did you just say Nashville?

Erika- yes why

Tessa- Erika you just got them back. Why do you need to send them back

Erika- I and umm Jake need some time together.

Tessa- Erika, they have nannies for a reason

Erika- I know but im just...

Tessa- your just what Erika

Erika- I don't want kids Tessa

Tessa- wow Erika. Is this cause you had a miscarriage?

Erika- maybe

Tessa- how low of you. They are your kids. If you didn't want them then you shouldn't have opened your legs.

Erika- Wow Tessa

Tessa- what? Cant handle the truth

Erika- you fucking bitch

Tessa- thank you. You don't want your kids here cause you know you don't want them and it's killing you to see them every day. I understand that but you getting rid of them like there nothing is not happing in my book. I take them away from you if you keep on. Get your shit together Erika if not i will get it together for you. I WILL TAKE THEM AND MOVE FAR FAR FAR AWAY FROM YOU BOTH.

Erika- you both?

Tessa- yes you and Jake

Erika- Jake has nothing to do with this. It was my ideal.

Tessa- I don't care whos ideal it was I will take them. Im not playing anymore Erika. Get your shit together.

Erika- Tessa

Tessa- what

Erika- behind you

Tessa- What...

Logan was standing there listening to everything they said...

Logan- really Erika

Erika- what

Logan- getting rid of your kids again. You literally just got them back

Erika- im aware

Logan- what is your excuse this time

Erika- I umm...

Tessa- let me help. "She needs alone time with Jake again"

Logan- you just did.

Tessa- she told me she didn't want them so I told her that I would take them if she didn't get her shit together and she and Jake would never see them again if she keeps acting this way. She is acting this way cause she had a miscarriage again.

Logan- really? Without asking me

Tessa- I don't care what you would say them ar my godkids and I would protect them with everything. With or Without you.

Logan- okay well Erika you heard her. So go up the stairs and tell them that there not going anywhere cause you want them here. They are YOUR kids, not angels. (her mom)

Erika- im aware. and I love my kids I do but I just can't look at them and think that everything is okay and it's not. I don't want to hurt them like I have everyone else. I've lost two kids cause of stress. What if I lose it and go crazy. Tessa Logan what the FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME

Tessa- hey hey its okay. Just get it together and stop throwing your kids to Nashville they need better than that.

Erika- what if I cant Tessa. Are you going to take them away

Tessa- if it comes to that then yes I will. But I need you to at least try and be there mother okay. I will help you with that.

Erika- I cant Tessa I cant do this.

Erika got up and ran out the door without telling anyone where she is going.

Erika's Pov:

I cant just keep doing this. I realize that I have broken my promise to Jake now and im such a fuck up in this world. Nobody needs me anymore. I cant do this. I just wanna die and never be here again. I need to be gone. Everything will be better and safer than me around them. I need my kids happy and Tessa and Logan were right they do need better and Tessa and Logan and Jake are them, people, the kids don't need a fuck up mother that's never going to be the same after two fucken miscarriages. What the hell is wrong with me. I guess I won't be going home tonight I cant go home tonight. I will stay somewhere where nobody knows where I am. MY TREE HOUSE. Jake doesn't even know that I have it.

Erika got into her car and drove about 2 hours to the tree house. She was crying the whole way there.

About 2 hours later Erika arrived When she got there-there was a car in the driveway she didn't recognize it. She opened the door to it and seen...


Who do you think she saw?

JERIKA (ALoveStory) Where stories live. Discover now