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Im so sorry that this chapter sucks. Im very tired right now 



Today's Chapter:::

The next morning Jake woke up and seen Erika was still sleeping so he got up and went downstairs to get her some medicine for her head cause she got drunk last night. He got the pill and the water took it back upstairs and seen Erika was no longer in bed and was in the bathroom throwing up her guts.  Jake walked into the bathroom. 

Jake- Here take this and when your down goes lay back down. 

Jake handed her the water and let the bathroom without Erika saying anything back. 

11:00 in the morning...

Erika walked downstairs and seen no one there expect Tessa

Erika- Hey T

Tessa- Hey

Erika- where is everyone

Tessa- well Jake took Crystal out for a few and the kids

Erika- why didn't he ask me to go with him

Tessa- honestly Erika I have no clue

Erika- are you okay

Tessa- yeah why wouldn't I be

Erika- cause you're acting a little strange

Tessa- Could it because you're just in a shirt and underwear

Erika- right sorry ill go get dressed. 

Tessa- no you dont have to. Im leaving anyways. 

Erika- where you going?

Tessa- out with Logan

Erika- right. 

Tessa left and Erika was thinking. 

Erika Thinking::

Why doesn't anyone want to be around me? What did I do? I dont remember anything that happened last night. If nobody wants to be around me then I will leave. No biggy... I feel like I have pissed everyone off I have made my best friend feel weird around me, my husband isn't home and neither are the kids. So I think im just going to go home and see my family till they all stop hating me. I mean yeah I will miss them.  

When Erika got done thinking she went to go pack a bag and went to the airport. After she left a note for Jake on the Table...

The Note::


Im so sorry for whatever I did and im sure I didn't mean any of it. I love you and my kids with everything I have. I dont really know what happened last night. But I have pushed you and my family away and even my best friend. I talked to her this morning and she felt weird around me. But I need time away and I feel like im pushing you away and I cant lose you Jake I cant do that. So please please do not come after me, let me come home on my own okay. I need this I think we all need this. Tell Tessa to help with the kids for a little bit okay. I love you all and I hope you feel the same. I feel like I disappoint all of you or failed you and I can't fail you. So let me straighten myself up a little and ill be back. I Love You!!

JERIKA (ALoveStory) Where stories live. Discover now