Chapter Eleven

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Starting from where I lefted off in last chapter....

Jake was just driving he didn't know where he was going he needed some time to think...

Erika Pov.
What the actually fuck is wrong with me ? Why did I do that. Now I have no clue where Jake is he won't answer my calls or text or anything. Omg.

Tessa came in from outside in the back and was wondering what was going on !

Tessa- Erika! Erika! What is going on now ? Where is Jake ?
Erika- *with tears in her eyes* t.t.tessa idk where he went. We got into  big argument and he just got out of bed and lefted and he didn't say where he was going. Tessa please I need him. I'm not ready to lose him. 
Tessa- okay okay calm down E we will find him. I will call him okay.

Tessa called Jake and he picked up
Jake- hello ?
Tessa- where you at ?
Jake- honestly Tessa idk I'm just driving.
Tessa- what's going on ?
Jake- what Erika didn't tell you !m?
Tessa- tell me what Jake ?
Jake- that I might have accidentally gotten her pregnant I forgot to use a condom !
Tessa- well Jake she's young she's not ready do you not understand that ?
Jake- now Tessa what you don't understand is that I promised my mom that if I ever got anyone pregnant I wouldn't abort it.
Tessa- oh. And she still wants to abort the baby ?
Tessa- okay Jake calm down. Are you driving still ?
Jake- yes
Tessa- where are you Jake ?
Jake- I'm by taco bell
Tessa- okay Jake I need you to turn around right now.
Jake- why should i Tessa ?
Tessa- Jake I will talk to Erika you need to get your ass home now. Leaving Erika alone right now was the one mistake you made. She might be pregnant with YOUR child and your not even here. So come home NOW !!! Bye

Tessa Pov.
Damn kids I swear.

Tessa- Erika
Tessa- Erika damnit where are you ?
Erika- I'm in the bathroom
Tessa- okay. *l held her hair back*
Erika- thanks Tessa.
Tessa- Erika we need to talk !
Erika- he told you didn't he ?
Tessa- yes he did. But I won't tell anyone okay. I promise. Not even t10 not until y'all are ready ! 
Erika- well Tessa I'm not keeping it so it don't matter Tessa. I can't keep a baby.
Tessa- listen I know it will be hard at first but you will have the entire team ten help around here. I promise you will make a perfect mother for that baby you and Jake both. You can be scared but you can't run from what's already done. Okay ?
Erika- Tessa please I thought you would understand me !
Tessa- I understand you but what if you promised to your mother that you would never abort a baby ? Huh what would you do ?
Erika- I would make that promise not too !
Tessa- so you see here Jake is coming from then right ? He promised his mother Erika he can't let you go through with letting you abort that baby ! You need to talk to him when he gets back okay. Promise me you will ?
Erika- I promise 🤞🏼

Jake walked in and went straight to Erika picked her up and put her on the bed.

Jake Pov.
I need to talk to Erika now.

Jake- Erika we are going to talk wether you like it or not. Your not getting rid of that baby I'm going to love it and you at the same time. I'm going to give you both the world and I'm so so so sorry that I did this okay. I now know that my main priorities are you and that baby understand ?
Erika- Jake
Jake- im serious Erika. I'm in love with you even before I got you pregnant.
Erika- JAKE listen to me please
Jake- okay what is it. Are you okay ?
Erika- I'm perfectly fine. I now understand that you promised your mom. I mean if it means that much to you then fine I will carry this baby for nine months but you will have to deal with my mood swings, my craving etc got it ?
Jake- I got it babe. So we are keeping it ?
Erika- yes we are babe !!
Jake got up and ran out the bedroom door and then ran around the house saying

Jake ran back into the room where Erika is sitting in the bed.
Erika- you feel better now ?
Jake- yes. I love you so much.
Erika- I love you too babe !!
Jake- you realize we fought about this all day when you got home.
Erika- yeah now I'm tired. We need to make and appointment tomorrow.
Jake- yeah we do. Right now let's go to sleep. I'm tired.
Erika- your tired ? Haha okay. Good night love you.
Jake- I love you to babe ❤️ sleep tight.

With that they fell asleep cuddled up against each other Tessa came in and checked on them but then she went to bed.

Guys this is such a sloppy chapter and I sorry. I just dont feel myself so anyways here's this chapter. Night guys. ❤️❤️

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