Its Coming

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Guys i am working on a chapter now. I'm going to make it shorter so i know it wont mess up when i post it. So its coming give it time. I didn't forget about it, I'm working on it again. Last night when i tired to post it it wouldn't so it deleted half of what i wrote. BUT I PROMISED Y'ALL A CHAPTER SO I'M GOING TO GIVE IT TO Y'ALL. Thanks for being patient with me.

Also one more thing. I'm going to continue this book for a while okay. So don't worry about me not writing anymore in this book. ITS GOING TO BE A WHILE BEFORE I END THIS BOOK.

The only times i wont be writing is when i'm either sick,Not in the mood, Or just don't wanna write any chapter. But that will not happen most likely not. But i am giving y'all a chapter now.

A little message.

If you going through something rough,or hard or anything just know that someone is there for you no matter. You are just as important to someone as you are me. Yes i may not know you but i'm always here my inbox is always open don't forget that... YOU ARE IMPORTANT TO SOMEONE, YOUR SMART,BEAUTIFUL/HANDSOME AND SOMEONE CARES FOR YOU. DON'T GIVE UP.

Follow your dreams and don't give up on them. They may be hard to chase but never stop running never give up on what you want it can happen you just gotta make it happen. 

       To the people that have written books and stuff that's where i got my inspiration at, At first i didn't think i would want to write a book but i talked myself down to it and did it. Now this book that i'm written now it is almost at 800 reads and i couldn't be more proud of how far its going and that so many people are reading it. Its important to me just like my dream. 

Thanks for everything guys. Much love 


JERIKA (ALoveStory) Where stories live. Discover now