Sixty Nine

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Faith gave Jake another chance and he bought the house for her. He had it set up.

Before we get into the story I wanna wish that most beautiful couple HAPPY 2 MONTHS. IM SO HAPPY YALL FOUND EACH OTHER. MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN. ((OOO THAT WAS 100% CRINGE.))

Now story time. Im also sorry that im posting this last I was actually watching Clifford. ((hahaha))


Today's Chapter:::

They started to unpack when the unexpected happened...

There was Crystal standing there

Faith- umm can I help you and why are you in my house

Crystal- your house?

Faith- umm yeah MY dad bought it for me and my brother

Crystal- so technically it's your dad's house.


She screamed as loud as she could so Erika and Jake could hear her.

Crystal- I dont want you I want your dad

Faith- well he dont want you

Crystal- I dont care.

Faith- I swear to god if you go near him I will beat your fucken ass. Leave my dad the fuck alone bitch

Crystal- Im a bitch? HAHA

Faith- yeah thats what I said. What are you going to do

Crystal- *walks up to Faith and slaps her across the face** That bitch


Faith pushed her then slammed her on the ground and started punching her. When she lifted her hand back up someone grabbed it.

Jake- Hey what the hell are you doing. Faith baby girl stop hitting her. She is pregnant

Faith- dad she is not pregnant.

Jake- what? What are you doing here

Crystal- I came back for you dad

Jake- What do you want. What happened to the baby

Crystal- it was fake.

Jake- what the hell is wrong with you

Crystal- oh you know everything *evil laughs*

Jake- get the hell out of my daughter and sons house now

Crystal- oh I will but I will be back for both of them and yall of yall actually.

Jake- I would love to see you try

Faith- I believe my dad said to get the fuck out. So why are you still standing there? If you dont leave I will help you

Crystal- Come on Jake

Jake- Jake?

Crystal- I meant dad

Jake- omg omg omg ERIKA CALL THE POLICE. Why did you fake all of that

Crystal- to get close to you. My dad would never hurt me.

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