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Jake's family (Erika& Faith and himself) stayed in last night cause they had jet lag and didn't feel like doing anything. They told Faith that she is going to be a big sister.


                                                                               Today's Chapter:::

Everyone started to wake up. Faith was the first one up she was just laying in bed looking at the t.v.

Faith- Good morning my amazing parents

Jerika- morning baby

Faith- Momma

Erika- yes baby

Faith- can I talk to my brother

Erika- yes hold on

Erika rushed to the bathroom and threw up Jake was right there behind her holding her hair.

Jake- you okay babe

Erika- um yeah. Im going to take a shower can you get Faith ready for the day, please

Jake- sure

Jake walked out of the bathroom and realized he didn't do his morning routine. So he went back into the bathroom while Erika was in the shower and made her stick her head out of the shower

Jake- umm babe I forgot to give you something again

Erika- jake... what are you doing in here.

Jake- I just told you I forgot to give you something

Erika- oh sorry I had water hitting me in the face and it was covering my ears. What did you forget to give me

Jake- this... Stick your head out of the shower, please

Erika- jake im trying to take a shower

Erika stuck her head out of the shower and jake plated a big kiss on her mouth.

Erika- jake I didn't brush my teeth yet

Jake- its okay I didn't either


Jake-what. I needed to give you that kiss cause I fucking love you so much and with morning or without morning breath you still taste good. I love you. Now shower

Erika- yes daddy *winks*

Jake- *moans* damnit Erika

Erika- awe whats wrong baby cant control mini Paul

Jake- you know damn well I cant

Erika- Oops

Jake- you better be glad I love you

Erika- or what

Jake- this

Jake got undressed and jumped in the shower and started kissing Erika really hard and moaning a little but not to loud cause Faith is in the hotel still.

Erika- what are you doing

Jake- this

Erika- whats this?

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