Twenty Four

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Jake is going to Nashville to see Erika and try to get her back and he wants to be there when the baby is born also. (they don't know the gender of the baby. Erika didn't want a baby shower) Jake got her a new engagement ring.


Todays Chapter:

Jake went to bed and so did tony they needed to get up early so they could catch their flights out to Nashville. Jake was so tired.

The next morning at 5:30 am and it was time for them to get up so they can catch their flights. Jake crawled out of bed without Erika once again.

Jake- Tony wake up its time to go. Did you pack last night?

Tony- Yea bro I did. Let me get dressed, please

Jake- well yeh I gotta get dressed to bro. meet here in 5

Tony- sure thing.

Jake- okay well get up and get dress you make me late im going to be pissed tony.

Tony- I got you, bro

They both got up and got dressed. they meet in the front where the front door it.

Tony- you ready brother?

Jake- Yeah, little nerves

Tony- you be okay. just breath okay.

They go to the airport and went through security and all that stuff and then they boarded the plane

Jake Pov.

im super nerves to see Erika and what if she don't wanna see me. What if I do something wrong. Jake stop thinking like that your going to walk in her room kiss her on the forehead and wake her up easily. Look at her belly and smile really big and do what you had planned. You got this. (he was talking to himself)

Jake texted angle to tell her they just landed shes on her way here. well, Morgan is.

Morgan Pov.

Im on my way to go pick up the boys (Jake&Tony) i haven't seen them in forever. But its okay. I just sneak them in the house somehow. Actually, it's going to be easy it's 5:30 in the morning everybody is asleep. Im here.

Jake- yo morgan is here

Tony- did you just say, Morgan?

Jake- umm yeah.

Tony- I have a huge crush on her bro.

Jake- suck it up. I wanna go see Erika

They arrived at Erika's house and angle greeted them and showed jake Erika's room. Jake walked in and see her.

Jake- Omg she is so beautiful. *tears roll down his face* I've missed her so much.

Angle- I know you did. Well, there she is.

Erika- Mom who you talking to?

Angle- umm no one why?

Erika- I swear I heard you talking to someone

Angle- Erika don't be mad

Jake walked back in and just stared at her.

Jake- hi.Erika. How are you?


Jake- I know you are surprised I really do. I just needed to see you really bad. But I will go now. I'll see you later okay. Go back to sleep. It's early.

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