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Jake and Erika made up, they had sex jake let her come back to house. There a happy family again.

Today's Chapter:::

Jake woke up and felt blessed to have erika back! Erika started waking up..

Erika- are you watching me sleep babe.
Jake- um no I mean yes. Yes I am.
Erika- awe I missed you So much
Jake- I missed you too..

They heard someone in the kitchen cooking bit didn't know who so they got up and walked down stairs.

They got down there and seen Tessa and Faith cooking breakfast

Erika- Tessa what you doing here
Tessa- faith came to the T10 and asked me to cook with her.
Erika- oh, well jake would you watch Faith while I talk to Tessa please.
Jake- yes I will.

Erika and Tessa walked away

Tessa- what's up
Erika- I'm so sorry
Tessa- for what babe
Erika- for everything T. I've yelled at you so many times and you did nothing. So I'm super sorry. I just thought I was losing my best friend cause you was with logan all the time and I've missed you so much.
Tessa- your never losing me I promise. I didn't go with you cause im pregnant . logan don't know. I was actually waiting for you to get up to tell you.
Erika-omg Tessa that's amazing. i Can't wait to shop for you and the  baby.
Tessa- sure not to loud E
Erika- I'm sorry T. Omg love you Bobby Jean

They walked over and erika had the biggest smile on her face. Jake was confused.
Jake- why are you so smiley
Erika- oh cause I'm with my family.
Jake- awe babe.

The next chapter will be longer I promise. I told y'all I would write one today so I did. Its shirt but its here.

I love yall.  Enjoy

JERIKA (ALoveStory) Where stories live. Discover now